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Training Pokes That Evolve Via Happiness

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Credits of banner goes to @Just Parky;) 


                                                                                   ( UPDATED on 29/Nov/16 ! )



Hello, guys, this is my first training thread in which i will TRAIN Pokemon that evolve via Happiness to :


.1 heart / Level 1 happiness. heart.png


.2 hearts / Level 2 happiness. heart.pngheart.png


.3 hearts / Level 3 happiness. heart.pngheart.pngheart.png


.4 hearts / Level 4 happiness.heart.pngheart.pngheart.pngmaxheart.png


It is your choice,that how much heart/hearts you need on your Pokemon.


This is NOT an experience training thread so please keep that in mind,thank you.


List of Pokemon that evolve via Happiness :


Rioluevolves to Lucarioat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Bunearyevolves to Lopunnyat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Chinglingevolves to Chimechoat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Golbatevolves to Crobat at level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Munchlaxevolves to Snorlaxat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Woobatevolves to Swoobat at level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Eeveeevolves to Umbreonat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Eeveeevolves to Espeonat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Eeveeevolves to Sylveonat 4 level happiness / 4 hearts

Togepievolves to Togeticat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Cleffaevolves to Clefairy at level 3 happiness / /3 hearts

Budewevolves to Roseliaat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

 Chanseyevolves to Blisseyat level 3 happiness  / 3 hearts  (Note: Chanseyis the evolved form of Happiny)

Pichuevolves to Pikachuat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Igglybuffevolves to Jigglypuffat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Azurillevolves to Marillat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts

Swadloonevolves to Leavannyat level 3 happiness / 3 hearts  (Note:Swadloonis the evolved form of Sewaddle)



If i missed any Pokemon please tell,thank you.


My IGN (in game name) is : naruto1129.


Offer the pokemon (on low-level Pokemon i have up for trade) you want to be trained to the desired level of happiness and please message me in-game or on the forums that how much hearts you need on the Pokemon.


NOTE : You will provide me the Pokemon you need to be trained, for example :

If you need Rioluto be trained please offer it on my Pokemon,i will not give you the Pokemon.

Lucario (Mega)ccd82d45a1.png


My Rates :

For NORMAL and UNIQUE Pokemon : ( The rates are same for normal and unique Pokemon ).


.1 heart :

-accepting any 2 normal LV 100 Pokemon

-2 unique Pokemon at any level which idont have.


.2 hearts :

-accepting any 3 normal LV 100

-any 2 Unique LV 100 Pokemon which idont have  

-3 unique Pokemon which idont have.


.3 hearts :

-accepting any 1 Fossil Pokemon 

-any 1 unique leggie

-4-5 unique Pokemon at any level which idont have

-any 4 unique Pokemon at LV 100 


.4 hearts :

-accepting any 1 or 2 Fossil Pokemon

-any 1 unique leggie

-6 unique Pokemon at any level which idont have 

-any 5 unique Pokemon at LV 100.




.For Events and Primals or Fossils i can train bulk pokemon.For the ones i already have the rates will be a little less but for the pokes i want there will be an extra for that , for further extended detalis on them you will have to contact me on forums (in here), in game , or PM.




.For every unique leggie which i do not have i will train 2 happiness pokemon.


Note : All the rates are negotiable.




Shiny Lopunny (Mega) ccdb6dc2f8.png


1-The Pokemon which you will give me will probably be given to you the same day so please keep a check on my trades so you can offer my desired Pokemon on your Pokemon ( this is except for bulk offers, for bulk offers the time taken to train may vary ).Please do not get stressed if you do not get the Pokemon on the same day.


2-During Events eg; Double Exp Event , Pokemon Event, etc , i will stop all training from when the event begins till when the event ends.


3-For Bulk Offers : PM me on the forums or in game , or simply type here.There is a discount on bulk offers.


4-Be Happy To Accept And To Offer.


5-All the forum rules apply.


6-Do not spam please.


7-Have Fun. ;)



                                If someone thinks the rates are high,do not worry just tell me your offer and we may be able to negotiate ;)


Shiny Togekiss ccde02815b.png



@GodsWithin  --

@demonstriker Dark ZubatMetallic ZubatShiny HappinyDark SewaddleMetallic SewaddleDark Budew( ALL POKES TO BE TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )





Shiny Sylveonccdfee9c67.png    [  ( PROUDLY DID OVER 200+ JOBS AND STILL COUNTING :D ) ( This is as of 29/Nov/16  )  ]




@Alan Solis  ( IGN : Malan )


Mystic TogekissShadow TogekissMetallic TogekissDark TogekissTogekissShiny TogekissShadow TogeticMetallic TogeticTogeticShiny TogeticMystic Togetic ( ALL 11 POKES TO 3 HEARTS )



@gioazeysss  ( IGN : gioazeysss )


Dark Lucario ( TO 3 HEARTS )



@DeMerican  ( IGN : DeMerican )


Shiny Lucario ( TO 3 HEARTS )



@Scheryar Saqib  ( IGN : Scheryar )


Sylveon ( TO 3 HEARTS )



@chingki123  ( IGN : chingki )


Shadow PikachuShiny%20Umbreon.gifShiny%20Espeon.gif  ( All 3 TO 3 HEARTS )



@corgilover  ( IGN : Astoncorgi )


Shiny PikachuShiny Snorlax( BOTH TO 3 HEARTS )



@Kiwinugzfan  ( IGN : Kiwinugzfan )


Metallic SylveonMetallic UmbreonBlisseyDark BlisseyMetallic Blissey Metallic%20Swoobat.gif  Mystic%20Swoobat.gifDark TogeticShadow%20Togetic.gifMetallic%20Togetic.gifShiny%20Togetic.gifMystic%20Togekiss.gifMetallic%20Togekiss.gifDark%20Togekiss.gifDark%20Wigglytuff.gifWigglytuff.gifMystic%20Wigglytuff.gifMetallic%20Wigglytuff.gifShadow%20Wigglytuff.gifDark LopunnyMetallic%20Snorlax.gif ( All 21 TO 3 HEARTS )



@GodsWithin  ( IGN : GodsTrading )


Mystic TogeticMetallic TogeticMetallic ClefairyShadow ChanseyShadow EeveeMetallic EeveeShiny PichuShadow Swoobat( A FEW TO 4 HEARTS AND A FEW TO 3 HEARTS )



@Nutella Navigator  ( IGN : ShadowConspiracy )


  Metallic%20Clefairy.gifClefable.gif   Dark%20Clefable.gif   Shadow%20Clefable.gif   Lucario.gifDark%20Lucario.gifShiny%20Lucario.gif    Metallic%20Togetic.gifDark%20Togetic.gifMystic%20Togetic.gifMystic%20Togekiss.gifShadow%20Togekiss.gif    Dark%20Togekiss.gif    Shiny%20Togekiss.gifMetallic%20Lopunny.gif   Dark%20Lopunny.gifShadow%20Lopunny.gifMystic%20Lopunny.gif  Dark%20Lopunny%20(Mega).gifMystic%20Lopunny%20(Mega).gif      Shiny%20Leavanny.gif   Mystic%20Leavanny.gif  Shadow%20Leavanny.gif  Metallic%20Leavanny.gif  Shadow%20Crobat.gif   Shiny%20Crobat.gif   Dark%20Crobat.gif  Mystic%20Crobat.gif   Metallic%20Crobat.gif   Dark%20Pikachu.gifShiny%20Pikachu.gif  Mystic%20Raichu.gif  Metallic%20Raichu.gifMetallic%20Blissey.gif  Mystic%20Blissey.gif    Dark%20Blissey.gifShadow%20Blissey.gif  Shiny%20Snorlax.gif   Shadow%20Snorlax.gifMetallic%20Snorlax.gifMystic%20Snorlax.gif  Shiny%20Jigglypuff.gif Shiny%20Wigglytuff.gifShadow%20Wigglytuff.gif   Dark%20Wigglytuff.gif   Swoobat.gif   Dark%20Swoobat.gifMetallic%20Swoobat.gif   Mystic%20Swoobat.gifMetallic%20Roserade.gifDark%20Roserade.gif  Shadow%20Roserade.gif   Shiny%20Roserade.gifMetallic%20Marill.gifClefairyChimecho ( ALL 56 POKES TO 3 HEARTS )



@Bultaoreune  ( IGN : guiltyvis )


 EeveeEeveeEeveeMetallic EeveeMetallic EeveeMetallic EeveeMystic EeveeMystic EeveeMystic EeveeDark EeveeDark EeveeDark EeveeShadow EeveeShadow EeveeShadow EeveeShiny EeveeShiny EeveeShiny Eevee( A FEW TO 4 HEARTS AND A FEW TO 3 HEARTS )



ANNONYMOUS    ( IGN : mootjuhh )


Shiny SylveonShadow RioluEevee( A FEW TO 4 HEARTS AND A FEW TO 3 HEARTS )



@Hangman1122  ( IGN :adnanadil02 )


 Shiny PichuShiny%20Pikachu.gif( BOTH TO 3 HEARTS )



@Joshua Hambly  ( IGN : silverstar2202 )


Espeon.gifShadow%20Eevee.gifShiny EeveeSewaddle.gifMetallic%20Swadloon.gifLeavanny.gifMetallic%20Leavanny.gifMystic%20Snorlax.gifShadow%20Snorlax.gifDark%20Snorlax.gifDark%20Azurill.gifAzurill.gif ( ALL 12 POKES TO 3 HEARTS )



@Rajesh Yadav  ( IGN : Daystarvirus )


Shadow%20Snorlax.gifMystic%20Snorlax.gif   Snorlax.gifShiny%20Snorlax.gif ( ALL 4 POKES TO 3 HEARTS )



@JaymzIsUS  ( IGN : JaymzIsUS )


Shiny TogepiShiny ChinglingDark%20Eevee.gif( ALL TO 3 HEARTS )





 Shadow ClefairyShadow%20Jigglypuff.gifUmbreonMystic Umbreon Dark%20Sylveon.gifMystic SylveonMetallic%20Lucario%20(Mega).gifSnorlax.gif( A FEW TO 4 HEARTS AND A FEW TO 3 HEARTS )



ANNONYMOUS  ( IGN : BrunoThunder )


MarillJigglypuffClefairyRoseliaTogeticEspeonUmbreonRoseradeTogekissAzumarillWigglytuffClefable(  ALL 12 POKES TO 3 HEARTS )



@londonisback  ( IGN : london456 )


Metallic%20Snorlax.gif  ( TO 3 HEARTS )



@Srki123  ( IGN : DuvajGa )


Shiny%20Eevee.gifDark%20Lopunny.gifMetallic%20Lopunny.gifMetallic%20Lucario.gifDark%20Sylveon.gif ( A FEW TO 4 HEARTS AND A FEW TO 3 HEARTS )



@Goketa ( IGN : Goketa )


Dark%20Azurill.gifMetallic MarillShadow MarillShadow AzumarillShadow%20Lopunny.gifMystic%20Lopunny.gifDark Lucario ( ALL 7 POKES TO 4 HEARTS EACH )



@Iceflake99109 (Trading Only) ( IGN : Iceflake99109 )


Shiny SylveonShadow SylveonDark SylveonMetallic SylveonMystic SylveonSylveon( ALL TRAINED TO 4 HEARTS )



@Phoenix ( IGN :Phoenix ) 


  Mystic%20Togetic.gifMetallic TogeticDark%20Togetic.gifDark%20Togekiss.gif   Mystic%20Togekiss.gif  ( ALL TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )


@Eienryuu ( IGN : Eienryuu )


Shiny RoseradeShiny Eevee( TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )


@hhh123 ( IGN : Commander-Rayquaza7 )


Shiny Lucario (Mega)Shiny LucarioShiny Budew( TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )


@demonstriker ( IGN : Demonstriker )


Mystic RioluDark CleffaShiny Zubat( TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )


@DNMSFalcons ( IGN : DNMSFalcons )


Umbreon.gifEspeonLucarioLucario (Mega) ( ALL TRAINED TO 3 HEARTS )




Shiny Roserade cce18b7c1e.png



 1- @GodsWithin        7 pokemon all to 3 hearts

 2- Booked by  Iceflake99109 (trading only) 12 eevees all to 3 hearts

 3- Empty

 4- Booked by Daystarvrus 40 pokemon , 33 to 4 hearts and 7 to 3 hearts

 5- Empty

 6- Empty



Shiny Snorlaxcce2f08f02.png , i will train 2 happiness pokemon for each of these :




               This is my looking for list of unique leggies i m missing (all r except normal) i will train 2 happiness pokes for each of them :




For top priority pokes eg arceus, rayquaza, kyogre, groudon and mewtwo i will train 3 pokemon to 3 hearts each or 2 pokemon to 4 hearts each :


Metallic%20Arceus.gifDark%20Arceus.gifMystic%20Arceus.gifShiny%20Arceus.gifShadow%20Arceus.gifMetallic%20Rayquaza.gifDark%20Rayquaza.gifMystic%20Rayquaza.gifShiny%20Rayquaza.gifShadow%20Rayquaza.gifMetallic%20Mewtwo.gifShiny%20Mewtwo.gifShadow MewtwoMystic MewtwoDark Mewtwo

Shadow%20Kyogre.gifShiny KyogreDark KyogreMetallic KyogreMystic KyogreMetallic%20Groudon.gifMystic GroudonDark GroudonShadow GroudonShiny Groudon


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1 hour ago, Alan Solis said:

Hi! Can you choose 20 uniques from my trades (ign is Malan) to train Mystic TogepiandShadow Togepito 3 hearts each?

yes i will put pokes up for trade and offer shadow and mystic togepi on them, i will tell u which pokemon i need a few moments later

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

yes i will put pokes up for trade and offer shadow and mystic togepi on them, i will tell u which pokemon i need a few moments later

Great, i'll offer

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Hey I want my eevee trained to 4 hearts offering uniques please check suniques and tell wat U require my ign is scheryar feel free to message me there :)

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1 hour ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Hey I want my eevee trained to 4 hearts offering uniques please check suniques and tell wat U require my ign is scheryar feel free to message me there :)

okay i will train it just offer the eevee on my account but it will take some time 

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

okay i will train it just offer the eevee on my account but it will take some time 

Ok sure wats UR ign?

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1 hour ago, seth1129400 said:

its naruto1129

and please read the topic carefully my ign is mentioned in there , no offense

I just skimmed thru  busy atm can't train myself these days offering now :)

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On 6/14/2016 at 8:27 PM, GodsWithin said:

My Dark Togepito 3 hearts for 4 unique Pokemon?

okay when the game comes back online i will train it, just offer it on low level pokes on ign: naruto1129, u will get it back with 3 hearts on the same day u offered, thank u

well the game is online and u can offer ur dark togepi

Edited by seth1129400
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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 5:21 PM, seth1129400 said:

okay when the game comes back online i will train it, just offer it on low level pokes on ign: naruto1129, u will get it back with 3 hearts on the same day u offered, thank u

well the game is online and u can offer ur dark togepi


I offered the Dark Togepi on a Chespin for you to train! How long will it take to make 3 hearts?

Edited by GodsWithin
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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:


I offered the Dark Togepi on a Chespin for you to train! How long will it take to make 3 hearts?

stay online for at least 1 hr 30 min , its already done to 1 hearts, if u want it so badly , im training it as fast as possible


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6 hours ago, Nutella Navigator said:

I need to complete the Happiness Dex. How much Pokemon can you train to Level 3 Happiness if I gave you:

Kyurem (White)Dark Kyurem (White)Mystic Kyurem (White)Metallic Kyurem (White)Shiny Kyurem (White)Shadow Kyurem (White)

okay thats a very good offer, just tell me how many pokemon u have that evolve via happiness and we will get to a deal, and if i am right ur ign is : shadowconspiracy (if i am wrong please correct me) so i will also check them myself , thank u


3 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

My metallic Eevee fr 4 hearts Fr uniques

yeah thats fine just offer it

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Just now, seth1129400 said:

okay thats a very good offer, just tell me how many pokemon u have that evolve via happiness and we will get to a deal, and if i am right ur ign is : shadowconspiracy (if i am wrong please correct me) so i will also check them myself , thank u

Can you train 60 different happiness pokes? yes that's my ign

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