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Remainin' Giveaway.

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Remainin' Event's Giveaway


This is also one of my own Giveaways, this one isn't that good but free is free eh! B)

These are all the events I got remaining, so they aren't much, so let's get down to the main stuff.


Enter only once.

Use only one account to enter.

Submit only one in game name.

More then 3 posts = out of the Giveaway.

Just enter with one post and post nothing further - you are free to post anything (according to the rules) AFTER the winners are announced.

How to enter:

It's simple this time, just enter your in game name. =D


Rotom (Halloween)Mystic Rotom (Halloween)Mystic Pikachu (Jedi)Dark Pikachu (Christmas)

Sadly, that;s all D:

Sorry if they aren't much, but that's all I got remaining as I gave everything away or Donated them.

The day of the announcement will be:

1st July 2016

Gooooood luck everyone! =D

Edited by Haxor69
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