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Asking Money

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All of Moderators and admin Must know about Westly_Hippington i have asked him what he what for his unique santachu so he reply that he wants $$$ for them and as I know asking money for pokemons is against rules so pls do something he has about all events in his spare account  offshore_account @Patrick @Rob @Uncle_Psychic @sportsandmusic69 @Tyheamma I can also add screenshot or forward the that message to admins

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4 hours ago, himanshu24092002 said:

All of Moderators and admin Must know about Westly_Hippington i have asked him what he what for his unique santachu so he reply that he wants $$$ for them and as I know asking money for pokemons is against rules so pls do something he has about all events in his spare account  offshore_account @Patrick @Rob @Uncle_Psychic @sportsandmusic69 @Tyheamma I can also add screenshot or forward the that message to admins

Same reply Fr me when I asked him what he wanted Fr his Arceus fairy

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10 hours ago, himanshu24092002 said:

All of Moderators and admin Must know about Westly_Hippington i have asked him what he what for his unique santachu so he reply that he wants $$$ for them and as I know asking money for pokemons is against rules so pls do something he has about all events in his spare account  offshore_account @Patrick @Rob @Uncle_Psychic @sportsandmusic69 @Tyheamma I can also add screenshot or forward the that message to admins


7 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Same reply Fr me when I asked him what he wanted Fr his Arceus fairy

wow even the same reply for me , i thought he was kidding with me , but man this got serious

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