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ShadowDragon20's Thread

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Hey everyone, this here's my personal thread.

Listed here will be the pokemon I have up for trade and a small LF list.

Standard rules apply in this thread.

Not very sure about rates so I might tend to go for what I like more than anything.


Looking for:

- Unique Starters (mainly Fire-types) -

- Groudons (Normal/Unique/Primal) -

- Cool pokemon :P -


I'm going to try and build full sets for a series of Pokemon, meaning the Normal and Unique versions of the Pokemon in question and its evolutions.

I'm gonna start things off with the Fire Starters (Charmander/evos, Cyndaquil/evos, Torchic/evos, Chimchar/evos, Tepig/evos and Fennekin/evos) which would be a total of 126 Pokemon.

Currently have a full Infernape set but still need more to complete the Gen IV Fire Starters (the 6 types of Chimchar and the 6 types of Monferno).

And, of course, I still need to complete the other Gens' Starters.

Adding: Groudon (Normal and Primal), Pancham/evos, Swirlix/evos, Ralts/evos, Flabebe/evos.


Not yet trading:


Dark Infernape(1,089,509 exp)Shiny InfernapeMystic InfernapeMetallic InfernapeShadow InfernapeInfernape

Shadow MonfernoShiny MonfernoMonferno

Shiny ChimcharChimchar

Blaziken (Mega)( 514,617  exp)Shiny Blaziken (Mega)Metallic Blaziken (Mega)Mystic Blaziken (Mega)Mystic Blaziken (Mega)Shadow Blaziken (Mega)Shadow Blaziken

Mystic Charizard (Mega X)( 270,149 exp)Dark Charizard (Mega X)Dark Charizard (Mega Y)Charizard (Mega Y)

Shadow DelphoxMystic DelphoxDark DelphoxDelphoxShadow BraixenMystic BraixenBraixen

Mystic TyphlosionTyphlosion

Shiny EmboarMystic EmboarShadow EmboarShadow Pignite




- Level 100s -


Sets (Might be looking to complete these):

Metallic Florges (Orange)Shadow Florges (Yellow)Shadow Florges (Yellow)Florges (White)Florges (Red)Florges (Yellow)Florges (Orange)Florges (Blue)Floette (Red)Floette (Yellow)Floette (Blue)

Mystic Gourgeist (Small)Shadow Gourgeist (Small)Gourgeist (Small)Shadow Gourgeist (Average)Dark Gourgeist (Average)Gourgeist (Average)Shadow Gourgeist (Large) Gourgeist (Large)Gourgeist (Super)

ChandelureMystic ChandelureDark ChandelureMetallic ChandelureMetallic LampentDark LampentLampentMetallic Litwick

Dark Aegislash (Blade)Aegislash (Blade)Metallic Aegislash (Shield)Aegislash (Shield)Mystic DoubladeDoubladeHonedge

Metallic Houndoom (Mega)Mystic Houndoom (Mega)Shadow Houndoom (Mega)Houndoom (Mega)Metallic Houndoom

Metallic ZoroarkZoroarkZoroarkMetallic ZoruaZorua

Shiny SamurottMystic SamurottMetallic SamurottSamurottMystic Dewott

Shiny Sableye (Mega)Mystic Sableye (Mega)Sableye (Mega)Mystic SableyeSableye

Mystic Steelix (Mega)Shadow Steelix (Mega)Dark Steelix (Mega)Shiny Steelix (Mega)Dark Steelix

Shiny JellicentDark JellicentMetallic JellicentJellicent

Shiny DrifblimMetallic DrifblimMystic DrifblimDrifblim

Shiny MismagiusMetallic MismagiusShadow MismagiusMismagius

Shiny Blastoise (Mega)Dark Blastoise (Mega)Mystic Blastoise (Mega)Blastoise (Mega)

Shiny GolurkMetallic GolurkGolurkGolett


Shiny PangoroMystic PangoroPangoro

Dark SlurpuffShadow SlurpuffSlurpuff

Shiny MightyenaMetallic MightyenaMystic Mightyena

Mystic BisharpMetallic BisharpBisharp

Metallic Garchomp (Mega)Garchomp (Mega)Garchomp (Mega)

Absol (Mega)Absol (Mega)Absol

Shadow KlefkiDark KlefkiKlefki

Shiny Aggron (Mega)Dark Aggron (Mega)Aggron (Mega)

Shiny DiggersbyMystic DiggersbyDiggersby

Mystic Gallade (Mega)Shadow Gardevoir (Mega)

Metallic Swampert (Mega)Mystic Swampert (Mega)

Shiny GreninjaGreninja

Metallic Gengar (Mega)Gengar (Mega)

Metallic Banette (Mega)Banette (Mega)

Shiny FlygonMetallic Flygon

Metallic HippowdonMetallic Hippopotas

Dark DugtrioDark Diglett



The Rest:

Dark:Dark Lucario (Mega)( 369,439 exp)Dark DarmanitanDark EscavalierDark HydreigonDark ZangooseDark BouffalantDark Tropius

Shadow:Shadow HaxorusShadow GothitelleShadow Claydol

Shiny: Shiny Carbink Shiny Sceptile (Mega)

Normal:Tyranitar (Mega)Mawile (Mega)Kangaskhan (Mega)Altaria (Mega)AvaluggBearticBouffalantWhimsicott

Mystic:Mystic DragoniteMystic LiepardMystic Aromatisse

Metallic:Metallic DusknoirMetallic Swanna



- Legends (Level 100) -




- Legends -



Celebi(Level: 70)

Terrakion(Level: 66)

Dark ReshiramShiny Reshiram (Level: 62/60)

Mew(Level: 58)

Entei(Level: 57)

Metallic ZekromDark Zekrom Zekrom (Level: 74/60/55)

Shiny Diancie(Level: 53)



- Starters (Looking for more) -




- Metallic -


Metallic BarboachMetallic BeldumMetallic BlitzleMetallic ClamperlMetallic CorsolaMetallic CuboneMetallic Darmanitan (Zen Mode)Metallic DiglettMetallic DratiniMetallic Drilbur

Metallic DrowzeeMetallic DruddigonMetallic DurantMetallic DuskullMetallic FinneonMetallic HeatmorMetallic HoothootMetallic JoltikMetallic KricketotMetallic Lillipup

Metallic LunatoneMetallic MagikarpMetallic Mime Jr.Metallic MisdreavusMetallic Pichu (Notched)Metallic SandileMetallic ScraggyMetallic ShuppetMetallic SigilyphMetallic Solosis

Metallic StaryuMetallic TentacoolMetallic ThrohMetallic TympoleMetallic VenonatMetallic VolbeatMetallic WhismurMetallic Litwick

Metallic Meowthx2

Metallic Porygonx2



- Dark -


Dark BarboachDark BinacleDark BouffalantDark BronzorDark Burmy (Plant)Dark CherubiDark ClauncherDark CorphishDark CuboneDark Ditto

Dark DrowzeeDark DwebbleDark FinneonDark GalvantulaDark HoothootDark LunatoneDark MunnaDark OddishDark PansearDark Porygon

Dark SeelDark SeviperDark SkrelpDark SlowpokeDark SlugmaDark TorkoalDark TympoleDark Volbeat

Dark VoltorbDark Zubat

Dark Diglettx2Dark Makuhitax2

Dark Sawkx2Dark Throhx2

Dark Trapinchx2



- Mystic -


Mystic AbraMystic AipomMystic AlomomolaMystic Basculin (Blue Stripe)Mystic Basculin (Red Stripe)Mystic BinacleMystic Burmy (Sand)Mystic CarnivineMystic ClamperlMystic Cleffa

Mystic DarumakaMystic DiglettMystic DittoMystic DratiniMystic FoongusMystic GrowlitheMystic IgglybuffMystic IllumiseMystic KricketotMystic Ledyba

Mystic LillipupMystic LitwickMystic LunatoneMystic MagbyMystic MakuhitaMystic MankeyMystic MedititeMystic MienfooMystic NincadaMystic Phanpy

Mystic PonytaMystic RaltsMystic SandshrewMystic SeelMystic SolosisMystic SphealMystic SpinarakMystic SpindaMystic ThrohMystic Torkoal

Mystic VenipedeMystic VenonatMystic WeedleMystic WhismurMystic WooperMystic Drowzee

Mystic Aronx2Mystic Castform (Water)x2

Mystic Drilburx2Mystic Heatmorx2

Mystic Trapinchx2



- Shadow -


Shadow BinacleShadow BronzorShadow Burmy (Steel)Shadow Camerupt (Mega)Shadow CarvanhaShadow CleffaShadow CubchooShadow DedenneShadow DiglettShadow Drowzee

Shadow DruddigonShadow DwebbleShadow ElgyemShadow HelioptileShadow LitleoShadow LunatoneShadow MagbyShadow MagikarpShadow Metagross (Mega)Shadow Panpour

Shadow PorygonShadow RoggenrolaShadow SawkShadow ScraggyShadow SeelShadow SigilyphShadow SimisearShadow SkarmoryShadow SkrelpShadow Smeargle

.Shadow SolosisShadow SolrockShadow SpinarakShadow TorkoalShadow TropiusShadow VulpixShadow Yanma

Shadow Inkay

Shadow Abrax3Shadow Foongusx2

Shadow Growlithex2Shadow Numelx2

Shadow Shellderx2Shadow Vanillitex2

- Shiny -


Shiny AipomShiny AlomomolaShiny BaltoyShiny BronzorShiny ClauncherShiny DurantShiny ElgyemShiny GirafarigShiny GligarShiny Goldeen

Shiny GrimerShiny GrowlitheShiny MaractusShiny NatuShiny Nidoran (M)Shiny PansearShiny Pichu (Notched)Shiny PonytaShiny RattataShiny Rhyhorn

Shiny RoggenrolaShiny SmeargleShiny SolrockShiny TimburrShiny TrubbishShiny TympoleShiny VolbeatShiny WooperShiny Zubat


Shiny Abrax2Shiny Drilburx2

Shiny Happinyx2Shiny Shellderx2

Shiny Sigilyphx2



- Fossils -


Mystic Aerodactyl (Mega) (Level: 100)

Anorith(Level: 5)


- Unowns -


Dark Unown (A)Dark Unown (B)Dark Unown (C)Dark Unown (D)Dark Unown (I)Dark Unown (L)Dark Unown (M)Dark Unown (N)Dark Unown (Y)

Shiny Unown (C)Shiny Unown (I)Shiny Unown (L)Shiny Unown (Qm)Shiny Unown (Z)

Metallic Unown (B)Metallic Unown (H)Metallic Unown (O)Metallic Unown (O)

Shadow Unown (C)Shadow Unown (J)

Mystic Unown (M)Mystic Unown (Q)


IGN - ShadowDragon20

Normal pokes I haven't listed here.

Vivillon type - Ocean

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On 08/07/2016 at 3:38 PM, Srki123 said:

Dark SquirtleShiny AbraShiny WooperShiny RoggenrolaShiny Rattata For my Shadow Raikou

See anything else you might like other than Squirtle?

On 08/07/2016 at 4:25 PM, GodsWithin said:

I have Shiny TreeckoShadow ChimcharShadow CyndaquilShiny ChimcharShadow Squirtleare you interested in these? For your Shadow Rotomand Metallic Articuno??

Could you check for just Shadow ChimcharShadow CyndaquilShiny Chimcharinstead for now?

On 08/07/2016 at 4:58 PM, glaceon001 said:

What I need from you.

Unowns ~ Dark A, Shiny QM and Z, Mystic M, and Metallic H.

I also need MysticPonyta


On 08/07/2016 at 6:05 PM, demonstriker said:

I have Shiny CharmanderShiny CyndaquilShiny TepigShiny TotodileShiny TreeckoMetallic Charmanderx2Metallic Chimcharx2Metallic CombuskenMetallic FroakieDark TepigMystic MudkipMystic TepigShadow CyndaquilShadow TepigShiny Froakiex2Shiny TorchicMetallic PiplupDark TotodileMystic CharmanderShadow OshawottMetallic OshawottDark FroakieMystic TurtwigMystic TotodileShadow PiplupMetallic TotodileShiny Piplupx2Shiny Chimchar.Big set of startersB|

What would you like for these mainly?Shiny CharmanderShiny CyndaquilShiny TepigMetallic Charmanderx2Metallic Chimcharx2Metallic CombuskenDark TepigMystic TepigShadow CyndaquilShadow TepigShiny TorchicMystic CharmanderShiny Chimchar

On 08/07/2016 at 6:08 PM, JaymzIsUS said:

I have a Groudon
and a Dark FennekinShadow FennekinShadow FroakieShadow SnivyShadow TotodileDark OshawottMetallic Piplup Would you be interested in these?

What would you be interested in for GroudonDark FennekinShadow Fennekinmainly?

On 08/07/2016 at 8:20 PM, Dirty Money said:

Genesectfor Shiny Sableye (Mega)Mystic Charizard (Mega X)Mystic Dragonite?


I prefer my pokes in this trade, sorry

On 09/07/2016 at 3:42 PM, VITOL said:

The  - Starters (Looking for more) - 

is the only dropdown u r looking for, right?

Mainly for now, but I will update with a list of what I'm also after soon :) 

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1 hour ago, ShadowDragon20 said:

See anything else you might like other than Squirtle?

Could you check for just Shadow ChimcharShadow CyndaquilShiny Chimcharinstead for now?


What would you like for these mainly?Shiny CharmanderShiny CyndaquilShiny TepigMetallic Charmanderx2Metallic Chimcharx2Metallic CombuskenDark TepigMystic TepigShadow CyndaquilShadow TepigShiny TorchicMystic CharmanderShiny Chimchar

What would you be interested in for GroudonDark FennekinShadow Fennekinmainly?

I prefer my pokes in this trade, sorry

Mainly for now, but I will update with a list of what I'm also after soon :) 

Shiny Chimchar + metallic Chimchar + shadow cyndaquil forMetallic Articuno?

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1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

awesome! ill send an offer :) IGN?

IGN - ShadowDragon20 :)

1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Just realized I had a lot more pokes that you need! How about this offer! 

My Shiny ChimcharShadow ChimcharMystic CyndaquilMystic CharmanderMystic FennekinShiny Chimchar for your Dark Latios (Mega)Metallic ArticunoMetallic Reshiram?

I think I'll stay with the previous offer for the time being. Or do you like something else that you could swap Latios for?

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