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Pokémon Vortex

How was your Day/Time today at Pokemon Vortex-In◇Game?

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                                How was your Day/Time today at Pokémon Vortex- IGame?


Well here's the place for you guys to share "How was your Day/Time today at Pokémon Vortex- In¤Game"?

Which good things you experienced and which bad experience did you face?

Was it overall a good day or a bad day, or the worst day for you here?

You might just want an advice to make your today's/next day better.

As you might know now, it'll be an active thread, and one person may post daily, but do remember not to do double posting.


Well lets start with me, I am going to start todays day. So far I am looking forward to trade, search for pokemons and train hearts! Lets see how this day goes. :)



●I've gone through all the pages quickly,and find none of the topic similar to this one which has same "askings" and "aim", therefore I created one.


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