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Porymon's giveaway 2

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  1. All global forum rules apply.
  2. Post only once.(More than one post and you will be disqualified)
  3. If you say things like "I know I'm not gonna win but still........."or anything similar then you will be disqualified.


What you have to post-

  1. Your IGN
  2. Sun and Moon pokemon you hate the most.





There will be only one winner.


GIVEAWAY WILL END ON 30th of November.

Hope you like it :)

Edited by porymon
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IGN: Booshe-Kun

Image result for popplio<--Ugh and retarded at first but, becomes bae and beautiful when it hits it's final evolution. I just don't like it's first evolution. I like the last more but, yeah thanks for the giveaway by the way. U are awesome for this and I hope I win. Also, I like this giveaway and I can't see the prizes/rules for some reason? I hope I did everything right? If I didn't can you tell me because, I don't know if it's my computer or everyone else but, I can't see the prizes and rules at all. I'm clicking on the hidden spoilers of them but it's not working, strange? :/ Can u fix that please or help me out. One or the other.

Edited by MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
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1 hour ago, porymon said:


  Reveal hidden contents
  1. All global forum rules apply.
  2. Post only once.(More than one post and you will be disqualified)
  3. If you say things like "I know I'm not gonna win but still........."or anything similar then you will be disqualified.


What you have to post-

  1. Your IGN
  2. Sun and Moon pokemon you hate the most.



  Reveal hidden contents


There will be only one winner.


GIVEAWAY WILL END ON 30th of December.

Hope you like it :)

I can't open the hidden contents. I'm trying to make sure I followed the rules.

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On 11/28/2016 at 3:55 PM, seth1129400 said:

ign : naruto1129 

Pokemon sun and moon pokemon which i hate the most : Alolan Muk / Alolan Persian / Alolan Dugtrio ( cant choose between these 3  ) lol :P 


You have won the giveaway.

Put a weak pokemon for trade so that I can offer @seth1129400

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