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This big nerd Is Tryna scam me!

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20 hours ago, hhh123 said:

that guy is crazy , he messaged me too , i blocked him , u should too!

^Yep I did the same thing and ignored him. Just, don't listen to what he say because it is a scam/make sure u delete his message. He just wants your password and username to himself so, he can have all of your unique pokemon. I already known he wanted mine since, I had a donation pokemon on my team. Also, I thought this was Pa3ick with his hackmons from before but, I was told from Discord it isn't but, I don't believe that. They kept on saying he was dead but, you know he could have always make a new account like, Pa3ick2 for instance. See the similarities? Pa3ick=Pa3ick2, maybe?

Edited by MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
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