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Kittykats Ho-Ho-Holiday Shop

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Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)Kittykats Ho-Ho-Holiday ShopShiny Pikachu (Christmas)



~Working on completing the Poke'dex, so I'm looking for Megas and some odds and ends pokemon~



Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)RulesShiny Pikachu (Christmas)

  1. No begging
  2. I'm not on 24/7, but since it's holiday break I'll be on very often
  3. I do not have rates, just offer
  4. No is no but we can still negotiate
  5. Don't be offended or discouraged by a no, change the offer and barter, I won't mind!
  6. All other forum rules apply





Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)RatesShiny Pikachu (Christmas)


I do not have rates, just make an offer

I'll say yes or no, and add to an offer if needed!



Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)Silver and Gold Special!!!Shiny Pikachu (Christmas)

~Every day there will be a new special deal going on~

Day 1

December 25

Every Mega traded to me will come with an extra random unique!

Offer stacks, no limit, no doubles or Unowns will be given unless wanted.





Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)WantedShiny Pikachu (Christmas)

Dark Pidgey
Dark Snover(X2)Metallic Snover(X2)Shadow Snover(X2)Shiny Snover(X2)
Dark NoibatMetallic NoibatMystic NoibatShadow Noibat
Dark CuboneMetallic Cubone<-(X2)Mystic Cubone
Metallic FarfetchdDark TaurosMetallic LaprasShiny LaprasMystic DittoShadow DittoMystic Girafarig
Dark QwilfishMetallic QwilfishMystic QwilfishShiny Qwilfish


Metallic Abomasnow (Mega)Mystic Abomasnow (Mega)Shadow Abomasnow (Mega)Shiny Abomasnow (Mega)

Absol (Mega)Dark Absol (Mega)Metallic Absol (Mega)Mystic Absol (Mega)Shiny Absol (Mega)

Aerodactyl (Mega)Dark Aerodactyl (Mega)Metallic Aerodactyl (Mega)Mystic Aerodactyl (Mega)Shadow Aerodactyl (Mega)Shiny Aerodactyl (Mega)

Dark Aggron (Mega)Shadow Aggron (Mega)

Dark Alakazam (Mega)

Altaria (Mega)Mystic Altaria (Mega)Shadow Altaria (Mega)

Ampharos (Mega)Dark Ampharos (Mega)Metallic Ampharos (Mega)Mystic Ampharos (Mega)Shadow Ampharos (Mega)Shiny Ampharos (Mega)

Audino (Mega)Dark Audino (Mega)Shiny Audino (Mega)

Banette (Mega)Dark Banette (Mega)Metallic Banette (Mega)Mystic Banette (Mega)Shiny Banette (Mega)

Dark Beedrill (Mega)Mystic Beedrill (Mega)

Blastoise (Mega)Dark Blastoise (Mega)Metallic Blastoise (Mega)Mystic Blastoise (Mega)Shadow Blastoise (Mega)Shiny Blastoise (Mega)

Dark Blaziken (Mega)Shiny Blaziken (Mega)

Shadow Camerupt (Mega)

Dark Charizard (Mega X)Metallic Charizard (Mega X)Shadow Charizard (Mega X)Shiny Charizard (Mega X)

Dark Charizard (Mega Y)Mystic Charizard (Mega Y)Shadow Charizard (Mega Y)Shiny Charizard (Mega Y)

Gallade (Mega)Dark Gallade (Mega)Metallic Gallade (Mega)Mystic Gallade (Mega)Shadow Gallade (Mega)Shiny Gallade (Mega)

Shadow Garchomp (Mega)Shiny Garchomp (Mega)

Dark Gardevoir (Mega)Metallic Gardevoir (Mega)Mystic Gardevoir (Mega)Shadow Gardevoir (Mega)Shiny Gardevoir (Mega)

Gengar (Mega)Dark Gengar (Mega)Metallic Gengar (Mega)Mystic Gengar (Mega)Shadow Gengar (Mega)Shiny Gengar (Mega)

Glalie (Mega)Dark Glalie (Mega)Metallic Glalie (Mega)Shadow Glalie (Mega)Shiny Glalie (Mega)

Dark Gyarados (Mega)

Dark Houndoom (Mega)Mystic Houndoom (Mega)

Dark Kangaskhan (Mega)Mystic Kangaskhan (Mega)Shiny Kangaskhan (Mega)

Metallic Manectric (Mega)Mystic Manectric (Mega)Shadow Manectric (Mega)Shiny Manectric (Mega)

Mawile (Mega)Dark Mawile (Mega)Metallic Mawile (Mega)Shiny Mawile (Mega)

Medicham (Mega)Dark Medicham (Mega)Mystic Medicham (Mega)Shadow Medicham (Mega)

Metagross (Mega)Dark Metagross (Mega)Metallic Metagross (Mega)Mystic Metagross (Mega)

Mystic Pidgeot (Mega)Shadow Pidgeot (Mega)

Dark Pinsir (Mega)Metallic Pinsir (Mega)Mystic Pinsir (Mega)Shiny Pinsir (Mega)

Sableye (Mega)Dark Sableye (Mega)Metallic Sableye (Mega)Shadow Sableye (Mega)Shiny Sableye (Mega)

Salamence (Mega)Dark Salamence (Mega)Mystic Salamence (Mega)Shadow Salamence (Mega)

Dark Sceptile (Mega)Mystic Sceptile (Mega)Shadow Sceptile (Mega)

Sharpedo (Mega)Dark Sharpedo (Mega)Metallic Sharpedo (Mega)Mystic Sharpedo (Mega)Shadow Sharpedo (Mega)Shiny Sharpedo (Mega)

Slowbro (Mega)Dark Slowbro (Mega)

Dark Steelix (Mega)Metallic Steelix (Mega)Shiny Steelix (Mega)

Dark Swampert (Mega)Shadow Swampert (Mega)

Tyranitar (Mega)

Venusaur (Mega)Metallic Venusaur (Mega)


As many as possible of these below!

Dark EeveeMetallic EeveeMystic EeveeShadow EeveeShiny Eevee
Dark ScatterbugMetallic ScatterbugMystic ScatterbugShadow ScatterbugShiny Scatterbug

KyuremDark KyuremMetallic KyuremMystic KyuremShadow KyuremShiny Kyurem

ReshiramDark ReshiramMetallic ReshiramMystic ReshiramShadow ReshiramShiny Reshiram

ZekromDark ZekromMetallic ZekromMystic ZekromShadow ZekromShiny Zekrom

ZygardeDark ZygardeMetallic ZygardeMystic ZygardeShadow ZygardeShiny Zygarde

KyogreDark KyogreMetallic KyogreMystic KyogreShadow KyogreShiny Kyogre




Metallic Caterpie (Christmas)For TradeShiny Pikachu (Christmas)













Dark%20Xerneas%20%28Active%29.gifShiny CresseliaMetallic%20Shaymin.gif



Togepi (Halloween)

Dark Groudon (Primal)Metallic Kyogre (Primal)Mystic Kyogre (Primal)

Vivillon (Polar)<--(X4)Metallic Vivillon (Polar)



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i have shiny gallade mega, shadow garchomp mega, all charizard mega x mystic manectric mega , shadow + normal kyurem, dark zygarde, reshiram, shadow zekrom metallic venusaur mega, glalie mega shiny steelix mega, slobro mega sharpedo mega dark sceptile mega, slableye mega gengar mega shiny+ normal + dark blastoise mega shiny bannete mega shiny ampharos and shiny audino mega, dark xerneas what ya got:D

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1 hour ago, waybig said:

Dark Groudon (Primal)for Metallic Kyogre (Primal)

Deal! It's UFT on maxie-magma


2 hours ago, aarya2005 said:

i have shiny gallade mega, shadow garchomp mega, all charizard mega x mystic manectric mega , shadow + normal kyurem, dark zygarde, reshiram, shadow zekrom metallic venusaur mega, glalie mega shiny steelix mega, slobro mega sharpedo mega dark sceptile mega, slableye mega gengar mega shiny+ normal + dark blastoise mega shiny bannete mega shiny ampharos and shiny audino mega, dark xerneas what ya got:D

I have all thats In my trades :) I could offer a Dark Pikachu (Christmas)orTogepi (Halloween)

Edited by Maxie-Magma
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Since it is kinda Christmas (a day lat lol), I'll just give you free stuff :)

I'll give you Dark CuboneMystic CuboneAggron (Mega)Shadow Mawile (Mega) and Metallic Kyurem 

I offered on your Shiny Hawlucha

Edited by eurstin
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14 hours ago, Harsh Vardhan said:

That Vivillon is not an event 'mon ! Only Fancy n Pokedex are events lol

The place that the vivillon is in says Events/EXP/Primals/Vivillons/Fossils :) Thats because most people are willing to pay a unique legend or so for them, or another non event unique vivillon

14 hours ago, demonstriker said:

@Maxie-Magma what will u give ?? If I hunt some these unique pokemons from ur wanted list.

Anything on my for trades that interestes you :)

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1 hour ago, Maxie-Magma said:

The place that the vivillon is in says Events/EXP/Primals/Vivillons/Fossils :) Thats because most people are willing to pay a unique legend or so for them, or another non event unique vivillon

Anything on my for trades that interestes you :)

I will try to find.  I'm only interested in unique legends of urs. 

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