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God's EXP Shoppe

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I see there is a lot of trouble ensuing because of botters. This shop guarantees legit EXP and that is that. I will not try to persuade you and all because I feel like people know me well enough to know that I only play legit. It's your choice what you wanna do now... Thanks to anyone and everyone who uses my services! :) 


Rules - Please read through them.

  • I train roughly 100,000 - 300,000 EXP a day. It's not a lot but it's better than someone doing 4 mil a day and botting the crap outta your poke.
  • You will see that my rates are higher than everyone else. Legit exp is hard work unless you're Blackbeardt so I charge accordingly.
  • Please be patient. I can't leave my laptop on and train while I'm somewhere else unlike some people so I will take my sweet time.
  • I train extra for rare legends (Kyogre/Rayquaza/Groudon/Mewtwo/Arceus).
  • Negotiation is possible but if you think I am low-balling you please go to someone who will bot your exp but charge cheaply.
  • The maximum I train is 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 per order. If you offer nice legends I might extend that...Just ask please.
  • For the LOVE OF GOD just lemme train Immunity Pokes. ;) 
  • I train on my IGN Vigilance



  • Normal Legend                          = 150,000 - 200,000 EXP
  • Unique Legend                          = 300,000 - 400,000 EXP


  • Events -- Please ask as I will have to talk about special deals with you!


Currently Training

  1.  @eurstin Shiny Diglett (Christmas)to 14,000,000         Progress 1/8/17  2,105,000/14,000,000
  2.  @Private Shiny Hawlucha to 4,000,000           Progress 1/8/17  51,000/4,000,000
  3. @porymonRaikouto 500,000              Progress 1/8/17  300,000/500,000
  4. @CadderIyDark Zubatto 1,000,000          Progress 1/8/17  200,000/1,000,000


Wait List (Only 5 Slots)




  1. (None as of yet)


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2 hours ago, Iceflake99109 (Trading Only) said:

How much exp will you train for a Normal Santapie or an Unique Santapie?

3 mil for normal and 4 mil for a unique one.

1 hour ago, eurstin said:

How much exp could you train for Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Mystic Diglett (Christmas)?

I don't care if it takes a year to train, as long as it's legit :)

3 mil for each, but I may negotiate. Keep in mind my rates may be lower than usual but your exp will stay when V4 comes out. I expect rates to drop to roughly mine when V4 comes out and people realize how hard it is to train real exp. :) 

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

3 mil for normal and 4 mil for a unique one.

3 mil for each, but I may negotiate. Keep in mind my rates may be lower than usual but your exp will stay when V4 comes out. I expect rates to drop to roughly mine when V4 comes out and people realize how hard it is to train real exp. :) 

Yeah, your rates seem fair :)

Is there a max amount of exp you would train?

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1 hour ago, eurstin said:

Yeah, your rates seem fair :)

Is there a max amount of exp you would train?

I was gonna set it at 2 million cause I didn't wanna be consumed by this but I'll tell ya what I'll do however much you want on 1 poke since I have no other offers. If other people come to me I will switch pokes every two mil! Sound fair?

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

I was gonna set it at 2 million cause I didn't wanna be consumed by this but I'll tell ya what I'll do however much you want on 1 poke since I have no other offers. If other people come to me I will switch pokes every two mil! Sound fair?

Sounds good to me! Could you train 12 mill on my Shiny Diglett (Christmas)? It already has 2 mill perfect. 

I'll give these   Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Mystic Diglett (Christmas).

Also, how much exp would you train for a metallic arceus electric? I just would like to know for future reference. 

Edited by eurstin
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18 hours ago, eurstin said:

Sounds good to me! Could you train 12 mill on my Shiny Diglett (Christmas)? It already has 2 mill perfect. 

I'll give these   Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Metallic Diglett (Christmas)Mystic Diglett (Christmas).

Also, how much exp would you train for a metallic arceus electric? I just would like to know for future reference. 

Sounds good! I believe it is an immunity pokemon! Offer on whatever's UFT  Vigilance

15 hours ago, porymon said:

Can you train 550k for  Zapdos.gifand Shadow%20Zapdos.gif on my  Raikou.gif?

I can do 500k Zapdos aren't rare.

15 hours ago, Rajesh Yadav said:

How much can you train for Santapie set?

@Rajesh Yadav max 10 million for the set.

15 hours ago, Ahmed Qureshi said:

How much will u train my Shiny Lugia 1.2 mill exp forShiny Regirockand Shadow Latias??

I will train 700k on it ok?

10 hours ago, Mr.Magnificent said:

Oh, just wait @GodsWithin, I'll give you a deal that'll make you burst on work! Heheheahahaha! (Evil Laugh)


 I'll be waiting :) 

Edited by GodsWithin
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3 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

Sounds good! I believe it is an immunity pokemon! Offer on whatever's UFT  Vigilance

I can do 500k Zapdos aren't rare.


I will train 700k on it ok?

 I'll be waiting :) 

Lol iam offering uniques bro do at least 800K...

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1 hour ago, Ahmed Qureshi said:

Lol iam offering uniques bro do at least 800K...

I know you are...If you read carefully you'd see that I said I charge more than everyone else because I am take pride in the fact that I am legit and that legit exp takes time to train. Leave it or take it m8.


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3 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

I know you are...If you read carefully you'd see that I said I charge more than everyone else because I am take pride in the fact that I am legit and that legit exp takes time to train. Leave it or take it m8.


Sorry I wasn't on earlier. I don't see any pokemon uft. Could you put another one up please?

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1 hour ago, eurstin said:

lol I offered the digmas :) Thanks in advance!

Accepted! Do you remember what account you battled against to train the 2 million? I could probably find it but I am feelin' kinda lazy. ;) 


Nevermind found it :) 

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Accepted! Do you remember what account you battled against to train the 2 million? I could probably find it but I am feelin' kinda lazy. ;) 


Nevermind found it :) 

:) Is it TrainingKyurem?

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