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Pokémon Vortex

New Years event - Alolan Starter Pokemon

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Today when i logged on Pokemon Vortex and tried to claim my Alolan Starter pokemon, it said i already own one, but it was my first time trying to claim one and i also dont have any on my pokemon team or trades. To be more precise it said: "Sorry, it appears you have already claimed an Alolan starter from Pokémon Vortex." I dont know if this is a bug or what it is, but i hope you can help @Patrick.   Cryogonal:'(

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  • Developer

Someone has already claimed one in your house or on your computer. Either that or you have a static IP (meaning your IP changes all the time) and someone has already claimed one on the IP you're currently on.

this is also a problem for mobile networks.

if the second one is the case then just try and claim it once an hour, eventually you'll get it.

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