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i had put legends(200) on trade and events(40) on trade

next day when i logged in it was not there

can some 1 help me out can u tell patrick to solve my problem

can some 1 help me with events and legends

there is a guy with user name katrick he tell he is patrick and a admin he is asking for my password

he has many accounts like


bloodrider, etc 

 so what should i do and some 1 help me with events and legends pls help me my account user name is hellokittty

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3 hours ago, HELLOKITTTY said:

i had put legends(200) on trade and events(40) on trade

next day when i logged in it was not there

can some 1 help me out can u tell patrick to solve my problem

can some 1 help me with events and legends

there is a guy with user name katrick he tell he is patrick and a admin he is asking for my password

he has many accounts like


bloodrider, etc 

 so what should i do and some 1 help me with events and legends pls help me my account user name is hellokittty

someone guessed ur password and logged into ur account and stole ur every pokemon,  no one from the staff of vortex wants ur password and the one who asks the password of ur account is scamming u, u should not give him the password and report him here , he will get banned 

there is no way to recover ur pokes as they have already gone , for next time u should keep a hard and long password and u should start over :) 


1 more thing , in the past days "Trade Glitching" was going on so someone might have glitched ur pokes away from trades, who knows :) 

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First of all, you would need to explain when this happened. There was a known bug where some users exploited the trade system. In other words, they could steal pokemon off of trades. To adress your second question, simply ignore user who ask for your information. Just notify Patrick via PM and he will deal with the matter accordingly. I checked your account and noticed some peculiarities. Your account noted that your "real account" was ign: 990295233. I checked that account and it seems that you are trying to impersonate staff with the email. I also checked one of your pokemon's OT's (ign: 4162), and also noticed that the account is attempting to impersonate staff. I'm not sure if you knew about this, but it seems quite sketchy...

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