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Trading Legends ( Legendary Pokedex Completion)

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Mewtwo (Armor)Introduction:

For those who know me well and good for those who dont let me introduce myself, hey guys my name is Scheryar and i ve playing vortex for 5 years now i joined the community late in v2, the purpose of creating this thread is to complete my legendary dex by trading my spare extra legends. Account Is 'event-collector'.


Mystic Mewtwo (Armor)Rules:

  1. All global and forum rules apply.
  2. No foul / vulgar language is permitted.
  3. Keep the salt else where as well as the fighting.
  4. A no is a no although you can propose a counter offer.
  5. Advertising your own merchandise on my thread is not allowed and trading with others is not permmited AT ALL.
  6. No stupid offers please they will simply be "IGNORED".


Dark Mewtwo (Armor)What I am Trading:



 Arceus (3), Celebi (2), Coballion, Cressilia (2), Darkrai (3), Darkrown (3), Deoxys, Diancie (3),Genesect (13), groudon (8), Heatran (2), Ho oh (3), Jirachi (9), Keldeo (7), kyogre (6),    Kyurem, Landorus (2), Latias (4), Latios (3), Lugia (8), Mesprit (3), Mew (5), Moltres (3),Palkia (3), Phione (2), Raiko (4), Regigigas, Regirock, Reshiram, Shaymin (3), Shaymin sky (5), Thundurus (7), Tornadus, Uxie (2), Victini (2), Virizion (8), Xerneas (2), Yveltal (3), Zapdos (2), Zekrom (4).


 Latias, mew, Shaymin, Shaymin sky, yveltal (2), Zapdos (2).


 Azelf (3), Celebi, Coballion, Darkrown (3), Diancie (2), Genesect (2), Ho oh, Kyurem, Latios (2), Mesprit (4), Mew (2), Palkia, Regirock (2), Reshiram, Rotom, Shaymin, Suicune,Thudurus (2), Tornadus, Uxie, Xerneas (2), Zapdos, Zekrom (2), Zygarde (2).


Azelf, Celebi (3), Darkrai, Darkrown, Entei, Genesect (7), Jirachi (2), Latios, Lugia, Mesprit (7), Mew (5), Regice, Registeel (2), Suicune, Virizion (3), Xerneas (2), Yveltal (2), Zapdos (3), Zekrom.


Darkrown, Entei, Groudon (2), Lugia, Shaymin sky, Suicune (3), Terakion, Xerneas, Zekrom (4).


Azelf (2), Cobalion, Cressilia, Genesect, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Tornadus (2), Yveltal, Zapdos (2), Zekrom (3).


Shadow Mewtwo (Armor)     What I Am Looking For :    (Work in progress)





  Articuno, Azelf, Cressilia, Darkrown, Deoxys, Diancie, Diancie (Mega), Entei,


Arceus, Articuno, Diancie (Mega), Entei, 


Arceus, Coballion, Deoxys, Dialga, Diancie, Diancie (Mega), 




Arceus, Articuno, Celebi, Coballion, Dialga, Diancie



Articuno, Darkrai, Darkrown, Deoxys, Dialga, Diancie (Mega), Entei, 



Shiny Mewtwo (Armor) Thanks For Visiting :) 

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38 minutes ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Ok , i need some of those well go one by one tell me the ones u need seth?

No thx

i have these pokes : 




  Articuno, Azelf,  Entei,


Coballion, Dialga,




Articuno, Darkrown, 


i need these : 

Mystic SuicuneShiny LatiasShiny LatiosShiny TornadusShadow EnteiMetallic RotomMetallic ThundurusMetallic TornadusArceus

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7 hours ago, seth1129400 said:

i have these pokes : 




  Articuno, Azelf,  Entei,


Coballion, Dialga,




Articuno, Darkrown, 


i need these : 

Mystic SuicuneShiny LatiasShiny LatiosShiny TornadusShadow EnteiMetallic RotomMetallic ThundurusMetallic TornadusArceus

Every thing is fine except Latios and Latias Shiny those are high value legends wat I want is u either add a shiny Dialga or Shiny ray to wat ur offering or remove em and choose something else.

4 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

I can finish your Legend Dex easy. Can you offer bulk Unique Non Legends though?

Yea sure I have some and yea ill catch some more and gather in one account ok ? And these are not all I have lots more just haven't had the time to finish the list and do tell ur rates.

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29 minutes ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Every thing is fine except Latios and Latias Shiny those are high value legends wat I want is u either add a shiny Dialga or Shiny ray to wat ur offering or remove em and choose something else.

Yea sure I have some and yea ill catch some more and gather in one account ok ? And these are not all I have lots more just haven't had the time to finish the list and do tell ur rates.

Sure how does 10 per legend sound?

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7 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Every thing is fine except Latios and Latias Shiny those are high value legends wat I want is u either add a shiny Dialga or Shiny ray to wat ur offering or remove em and choose something else.

Yea sure I have some and yea ill catch some more and gather in one account ok ? And these are not all I have lots more just haven't had the time to finish the list and do tell ur rates.

 i will remove the shiny articuno and replace it with shiny palkia, so this is the new list i would want : 

Mystic SuicuneShiny LatiosShiny TornadusShadow EnteiMetallic RotomMetallic ThundurusMetallic TornadusArceus

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7 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

Sure how does 10 per legend sound?

Thats too much i think 5 is fair 

15 minutes ago, seth1129400 said:

 i will remove the shiny articuno and replace it with shiny palkia, so this is the new list i would want : 

Mystic SuicuneShiny LatiosShiny TornadusShadow EnteiMetallic RotomMetallic ThundurusMetallic TornadusArceus

Do u have a shiny zygarde ?

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