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EXP & Legendaries Shop [GOOD RATES]

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Before we start, this is stolen inspired by @pokemonfansclub (Don't hate me please)
Hello Everyone, so... i decided to open this 'shop' for everyone... more like trade...

If any of my rates seem unfair, let me know below and we can work out something, but if it seems ok, also hit me up so we can get down to business ASAP...



  • I Can train any Pokemon To Level 100 - In return you give me Any 20 Pokemon which i'm missing from my PokeDex (or 10 legends).
  • I Can train any Pokemon To 1 Million EXP (Providing it one shots the training account's Pokemon) - In return you give me either; 10 Shiny Legends, 15 Mystic/Dark/Shadow/Metallic Legends, 20 Normal Legends.
  • I Can train any Pokemon To 10 Million EXP (Providing it one shots the training account's Pokemon - may require ~1 week) - In return you give me 50 Shiny Legends or 5 Shiny Event Pokemon.
  • I Can train any Pokemon To 25 Million EXP (Providing it one shots the training account's Pokemon - wIll take 2-3 weeks)  - In return you give me 1 Donation Pokemon


In addition I will also be trading normal/unique legendary Pokemon :

  • I Can give you any legend (which I have, ask if i have the one you request below in the comments), for 2-5 Legends (depending on how much i love it :))
  • I Can give you any unique legend (non-shiny though which I have, ask if i have the one you request below in the comments), for 3-8 Legends (also depending on how much i love it :o)
  • I Can give you any shiny legend  (which I have, ask if i have the one you request below in the comments), for 5+ Legends.


So...Thanks for reading i guess.. if you're interested, let me know below.



Edited by RepulsiveZ-
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Exp/Trade threads aren't original. Ya don't need to give anyone credit for them. 

On the topic of this, what do you mean by "any unique legend... for 3-8 Legends"? Do you want unique leggies or normal leggies for your uniques?

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12 hours ago, eurstin said:

Exp/Trade threads aren't original. Ya don't need to give anyone credit for them. 

On the topic of this, what do you mean by "any unique legend... for 3-8 Legends"? Do you want unique leggies or normal leggies for your uniques?


oh well, i did get the idea from there.. :)


by  "any unique legend... for 3-8 Legends" i mean you get one of my uniques, and you give me 3-8 legends, depending on which legend it is, and its type 

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