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Pokémon Vortex

Some Price adjustments

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As per given info, the new varieties of pokeballs released in v4 i.e. dive ball, net ball, dusk ball, moon ball etc. give the same capture chance as an ultra ball if their respective conditions are met while ultra balls always give a high capture chance. Now these new balls are priced 5k while ultra balls are prices 1.5k. Since ultra ball is more effective and useful, I suggest that their price be increased while lowering the price of these new balls. They maybe case sensitive but they are good in their own conditions. This will also promote the usage of new balls since those will be cost effective. I also suggest adjusting the price and power of nerfed moves like Punishment, Explosion, Reversal etc. Else these may confuse the players greatly while building teams.

  • Love-dis 1
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