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Clan Events and clan wars??

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Now that "Clans" are implemented, we could do so many great things with it. 


The idea I like the most is the clan battles between 2/multiple clans in "Real" time.  What I think you could do, is to Start a clan war (Which only "the higher ups" can do) and wait until you find a guild/multiple guilds to fight against. The war is X minutes long and within that time members from each guild "fights" other members to earn "Clan battle wins." The guild with the highest "Clan battle wins" when the time is over, gets X amount of "clan war points" depending on, how many clan battles the guild have won. With those points, you can get into the "clan war leaderboard as well as "individual leaderboard." Depending on the placement, the guild can win prizes. (What the prizes could be. I don't know.)


Don't know if the Idea is "good," but I hope you will consider it (It might need some "elaboration" here and there, but this was just an "overall" idea) 



Edited by blackeyepanda
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