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[LF] Giratina (Origin)s (Not Shiny)

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Hello everyone, (this is my 3rd time posting this, cuz I'm a noob lol)


Anyways, I'm looking for any of these Giratina (Origin)s: Giratina (Origin)Shadow Giratina (Origin)Dark Giratina (Origin)Metallic Giratina (Origin)Mystic Giratina (Origin)


If you have any of these leave a message down below or message me through vortex. I am certainly not trading or selling my Shiny Giratina (Origin) because I'm try to get a complete set. I'm trading anything in my account such as a Shiny Rayquaza (Mega), Dark Yveltal, Darkrown, Entei, Virizion, Type-null, Xerneas (Active), and etc. We can also trade with Pokémon + pokedollars if you like. Leave your deal down below and I will reply as soon as I can. My ign is xXDragon, check my Pokémon list if you want anything besides this. I also have 30+ Pokémon that are all level 100 which have either 50k exp or 100k exp, this totals up to about 1.5mil. 

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