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I'm trainning Xp for some events pokes.....


Ign demonlordstriker


I do 300K per day



(Shiny Pikachu (Christmas)Dark Pikachu (Christmas)Mystic Pikachu (Christmas) =2 - 2.7M

Shadow Rotom (Halloween)Shiny Rotom (Halloween) = 4- 5.5 M

Shiny Caterpie (Christmas)Shadow Caterpie (Christmas)Dark Caterpie (Christmas)Mystic Caterpie (Christmas)= 2.5 - 5 M

Shiny Zygarde (Core)Shadow Zygarde (Core)= 4.5-5 M


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3 hours ago, bilal.anwar said:

I got all the santachus you want, both the rotoweens and all santapies except shiny, How much will you train for all?

I will train for rotomweens first... 9 M... unknown A in uft....and bro save Arceus water for me.... I will continue the training for that later

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On 2/4/2018 at 7:11 PM, bilal.anwar said:

Can you do 10 for the rotoweens?

K bro.... Sorry for the sudden offline..... I will start the job  from may 15....cuz my papers are ending on may 15......Now busy with some important papers

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