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Pokémon Vortex

I hate pokemon nicknames

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which is my problem ok, i nevar put nicknames even in official pokemon games, which is like OK dude then dont put nicknames and stfugtfo, but this rule of not being able to remove stinking nicknames from other user's pokemons makes me undervaluating the pokemon so much that i totally refuse for buy them even if is ridiculously cheap

which is still my problem and i could stfugtfo but if this is the problem of many other users maybe could be so cool so great if u make us the option to remove the nickname even if the tax is more expensive.

Any support to me or I should go alone with my problems?

Edited by VITOL
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Even in the original games, you have to be the OT of a Pokémon to nickname it and also to get rid of its nickname. Nobody else can do it, that's why that rule is there. The whole reason a nickname can't be changed is for the person to remember who they got it from too

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4 hours ago, EliteCrafters3009 said:

Even in the original games, you have to be the OT of a Pokémon to nickname it and also to get rid of its nickname. Nobody else can do it, that's why that rule is there. The whole reason a nickname can't be changed is for the person to remember who they got it from too

for remember it we have a cool feature called Original Trainer in the pokemon info that actually remembers who they got it from, the fact that the Shiny Arceus is called Cipriano doesn't remember anything. And yeh not everything has to be like the original games that's one of the PV's facts

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I think after realease of Premium Account you will able to change nickname even if you are not original trainer (once you buy it) so.

Either way, I wouldnt just buy pokemon with name that I think is not suitable.

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