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i got scammed

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there was a user named orblag.he told me in private messages that he got a code of 20 mystery boxes he told me he want two cosmogs ,charizard mega x,and a dark registeel so he told me to offer on his pokemon and he will give me the code and he did but that was a fake one so i offered on his pokes and he accepted it so i told him i will not give him charizard mega x before he give me the code so this is where he putted his fake promo and accepted my cosmogs and i didnt knew it was a scam and he trade it to his main account and then i didnt put the offer of my charizard ,but my cosmogs and dark registeel are gone and patrick can you please help me get my pokemons back or giving that guy and his main account a parmanent ban .thanks for reading this and i hope i will get some respond



orblag 6:50pm
you want mystry box
what did you give me
orblag 6:54pm
you will give 1poke
orblag 6:54pm
ill give 20mystry box
orblag 6:55pm
ill say
orblag 6:55pm
Mystic Cosmog
orblag 6:56pm
orblag 6:59pm
Metallic Deoxys, Shiny Giratina,Shiny Greninja ,2 cosmog
orblag 7:01pm
code not trade
orblag 7:01pm
it is clame
orblag 7:01pm
you ll give pokes
orblag 7:01pm
than ill give the code
orblag 7:04pm
but i want2 cosmog
two and dark registeel
orblag 7:04pm
and a charizard mega x
orblag 7:14pm
why up
orblag 7:15pm
put the trade
orblag 7:16pm
orblag 7:17pm
ill put it
orblag 7:17pm
now you offer me
orblag 7:21pm
(here he asked me for charizard)
orblag 7:23pm
offer me
orblag 7:23pm
orblag 7:23pm
ill give tomorrow the code
and then he had gone offline
Edited by pb25
to show the things he told
  • T-rubbish 1
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