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Skill wheel of fortune

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I have a ideas about skills,

Random skill wheel of fortune. You'll spin wheel for best skills and you can pick 1 skill.

Spin randomly 10 skills, pick 1 skill for use. (There will be best attacks Max 150 for all elements with %1 chance)

And other idea about skills rollback skills for pokemons orginal attacks.

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11 hours ago, ShinyChamp123 said:

Uhh confusing a bit....explain a bit more pls

Okay. Think now giratina, he doesnt have fire attack for buy (except hidden power(fire). You can spin wheel of fortune for buy best fire attack or other element attacks. There are will be 10 skills for pick. 

System is easy. Spin 10 skills pick one for use.

1. spin 

1. element hidden power (ice)
2. element hidden power (fight)
3. element hidden power (ice)
4. element hidden power (fire)
5. element hidden power ( grass)
6. element hidden power (dark)
7. element hidden power (water)
8. element glaciate
9. element focus punch
10. element fire punch    you can pick one or spin more times

2. spin

1. element blast burn  ----------> select and add that skill for purcaseable attacks.
2. element slash
3. element superpower
4. element hidden power (ghost)
5. element frozen world
6. element hidden power (bug)
7. element hidden power (ice)
8. element hidden power (ice)
9. element hidden power (ghost)
10. element hidden power (psychic)

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