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Posts posted by Intensity

  1. Hi, I am very sorry for this inconvience. I cant train anymore greninjas, This is because I have my exams starting today, aswell as some projects. I wont be having the time to train. I returned all the pokemon back to the trainers I accepted from. I apologize one again. 

  2. 1 minute ago, tazzer said:

    Hi bro it's me again remember the froakie you trained to 2 hearts? Can you train it to 3 hearts cuz I am a little busy these days

    I will be very thankful to you and price will be 200k right? @Intensity

    I have time. I will do it for 100k 

  3. 8 hours ago, SofiX said:

    I do not HAVE pds. I need 12 heatrs to be trained (3 pokes) May you first begin with an normal froakie? I am not an "I will trust everyone" person. Will give A greninja ash and more as the fee.

    I totally understand that you dont trust many people, I am fine with training regular greninjas. Just send me a trade!

  4. Just now, tazzer said:

    Ok bro I have bidded 400k for two hearts on one of your pokeball in auctions you can check it out.

    Thx for the trust man, normally people bid after they get their pokemon back, but you trusted me, Thx so much.

  5. 1 minute ago, tazzer said:

    Bruh I will not be online after 15 minutes because it's 23:15 here and I am going to sleep so that's why I was saying that I will offer on your phione and you can accept it anytime and when you are done just message me and I'll take it back give you your phione and money.

    Alright thats fine.  I will take your order soon. Probably in like 5-10 min I finishing up with someone else.

  6. 6 minutes ago, CandyCotton said:

    Can you train mine? 

    Rn I only have 200k pds but I can try and get the rest quickly 

    Alright sure. Just sent me your froakie on one of my trades.

  7. Hi, I am very sorry for this inconvenience. I cant train anymore greninjas, This is because I have my exams starting today, aswell as some projects. I wont be having the time to train. I returned all the pokemon back to the trainers I accepted from. I apologize one again. 

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