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Pokémon Vortex


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About AmiableDingo

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  1. 6 of my Pokemon received approx. 29,000 exp from a single battle. I was trying to train some low level Pokemon quickly by putting them into battle against a somewhat tough trainer who had lvl 60's (gym leader named Byron I think), then finishing him off with the stronger Pokemon in my party. I'm not sure how xp is calculated, but if I had only used the stronger Pokemon in my party the exp they each would have received would have been a few thousand exp tops. I have had battles where my Pokemon received around 10,000 exp each from the same method of throwing in wimpy Pokemon early and using strong ones afterwards. I thought the 10,000 exp rewards were a bit high, but having multiple Pokemon receive around 29,000 exp and jump nearly 60 lvls from a single battle definitely put up red flags.
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