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Posts posted by SpecialNightz

  1. 1 hour ago, Eienryuu said:

    Seems you are missing something... If pokemons original trainer is banned, don't mean that pokemon is bad in any way... If player is banned and he had on HIS account any top ranked pokemon, then that pokemon is remowed from ranking... same time as he is banned... so if any top ranked pokemon has banned OT, that it may mean that pokemons OT traded that pokemon at some point of his play time and other player trained it top ranking position...


    Yeah I get that.
    But for example: Anubis and SmoulderingSpark still have 2 pokemons in the top pokemon list and both trainers are banned atm. 
    So it shouldn't be more than fair that those pokemons will be removed from the list. 
    And note that I didn't check all the 100 pokemons from the list, but I just found those 2 trainers without looking at the whole list. 

  2. Hi guys,

    Can top pokemons with banned trainers be removed from the top pokemon list? 
    Seems quite unfair to other legit players, dont you think? (because legit players will need more exp to get into the top trainer pokemon list)


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