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Pokémon Vortex


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  1. omg414's post in Arceus Forms was marked as the answer   
    The recent Arceus event was Arceus (Dragon) event. 
    The previous Arceus event dates back to the Arceus Trifecta event which was held in 10th anniversary.
    In future if you want to know about the events which was held in vortex you can always check it out on wiki.
  2. omg414's post in Dragon Map Easter egg?? was marked as the answer   
    It is no hint for something as far as I believe.
    It is just a part of map design just like the bridge or house kind of thing.
  3. omg414's post in Saved Teams & Pokemon Searching was marked as the answer   
    Answering to your point 1. Yes they may come soon. No set dates or time.
    Answering to your point 2. There is no option to sort like that (They may add the sorting option with legends I cannot confirm that). There is only some ways in sorting your pokemon that is.. 
    Based on their type dark,electric,water etc. 
    EXP (Highest).
    EXP (Lowest).
  4. omg414's post in Yes or No was marked as the answer   
    Some pokemons cannot just be added as some sprite works or art works may have copy rights issues.
    If you feel the pokemon art works are very nice please provide it in Ideas section of forums here. 
  5. omg414's post in Next Event went? was marked as the answer   
    Bro, when there is an event it will be announced in discord #announcements channel or it will be announced on forums..
    Currently no one has the info of the next event.
    So, we all better wait.
    Why do you want an event so early? 
    April 1st we had Mr. Rime event. And, we had a pokerus event for about 5 weeks now.. I guess it would spoil the fun of events if we have it back to back.
    We recently got Dratini forms lol they are back after 8 years....
    Also, we had Scrafty (Ackbar) event too.....
    Dratini forms is not an event. It has a spawn rate of legendary pokemon. It will stay as its permanent feature of pokemon vortex.
  6. omg414's post in zygarde evolution was marked as the answer   
    No, only Zygarde (Cell) is available on dragon maps.. Zygarde (Core) is available only on mystery boxes or auctions. 
    DNA splicers are not available right now as it is event exclusive.
  7. omg414's post in Premium Account was marked as the answer   
    You can buy premium membership from the pokemon vortex store. Under subscriptions category. Its worth 15$.
    You get many features when you buy premium membership and hence their usernames glow.
  8. omg414's post in Use of different kinds of balls was marked as the answer   
    Dive balls are usually good on water and ice type pokes.
  9. omg414's post in someone tricked me and stole my account was marked as the answer   
    There is no point of sending the screenshots. 
    Trading the account for real money is against the Terms Of Service (TOS) which you agreed while creating your account.
    Never trade your account for real money.
  10. omg414's post in Account retrival was marked as the answer   
    Patrick may help you if you tell him your email id. 
    There is no method for account username retrieval currently there is only account password retrieval as of now.
    I always suggest you to keep a username which you can remember for long.
  11. omg414's post in ACCOUNT reCOVERY was marked as the answer   
    When you are changing your password you should keep in mind that the password should be strong and keep a password that you would remember.
    While changing your password you are suppose to enter the current password and then enter the new password and finally re-enter the new password. So you are suppose to remember it cause you did it two times mate.
    I don't know if the staff will be able to help you cause even others may take up the same reason to enter into other's account so this is completely fault at your end.
    Be careful next time while changing the password.
  12. omg414's post in Mystery box prizes was marked as the answer   
    Yes all the previous events will be available on the mystery boxes from 1st November 2019 except the seasonals like christmas,Halloween will not be there..
    Even the future events will join the mystery box after the event is over
    hope this helps
    All the pokes like volcanions and zygrade forms which were part of monthly pokemon before will be back!
  13. omg414's post in Loss of connection every night? was marked as the answer   
    At 7:15 GMT the vortex server goes up for backup that is the only time when they are down and it hardly lasts for 2-3min other than this I don't think you should be facing that strange thing happening..
  14. omg414's post in Are there any new pokemon to be added? was marked as the answer   
    Yea there are many ultra beasts to be added and ,' will be added after coming of next update.
    There are many pokes which are not released yet they can take forms of events or exclusive auctions!
    ,and many more yet to be released..
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