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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by baddream

  1. Charizard (Mega X)

    I was thinking that in the anime and manga pokemons mega evolves if the bond between the trainer and pokemon is strong. So, even in game it would be great if the pokemon mega evolve via happiness... That way the mega pokemon become more valuable than they are now. I know it might not be possible 'cause there are already so many mega pokemon, but they don't have the value they deserve. 

    Charizard (Mega Y)

    • Upvote 2
  2. ash already has a mega evolving pokemon

    his greninja mega evolves without a key stone.(or atleast i think it's mega evolution)

    and..starters don't have mega evolutions.

    i voted for a mega y because i've never seen one in the anime

  3. Hey I'm baddream. I started playing vortex v1.8 and my first event was 'iron masked marauder'(also in v2) and won a missingno. I wasn't so active in forums or in game till last year(not so active in forums this year as well) so most of you don't know me. Looking forward to make many friends in v3. :)

    Also I really suck at trading so maybe I'll get better in a couple of days. 

  4. 2 hours ago, hozukcan said:


    Whats you vivillon type maybe we can deal with them






    i put my dark polar and mystic gastly to trade ign hozukcan12



    it would be good but dont you have dark aerodactyl not mega?



    im not interesting with exp



    Im not sure about what you want from me :)

    I want a unique arceus water


    Shiny or mystic or dark or metallic or shadow ;)

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