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Posts posted by Haxor69

  1. 4856867.png

    I refuse to type.


    • I accept music.
    • Offer events.
    • Alolan Starters/Christmas Pokemon = Instant decline

    All my events are already on trade, so if you want to keep your offer a secret then just offer.

    Auction one:

    Shadow Magearna (Original)

    Auction 2:

    Caterpie (Christmas) set

    Auction 3:

    Diglett (Christmas)Shiny Diglett (Christmas)

    Auction 4:

    Shadow Pikachu (Christmas)x2 Dark%20Pikachu%20(Christmas).gifMetallic%20Pikachu%20(Christmas).gifShiny%20Pikachu%20(Christmas).gif

    Auction 5:


    Auction 6:


    Auction 7:


    Auction 8:


    Auction 9:

    Metallic%20Kyurem%20(Black).gifShadow%20Kyurem%20(Black).gif (500K)

    Auction 10:



    That's all. I was serious about the music thing... just saying...

    IGN: BigKike

    • Upvote 1
  2. Here I will list some things I noticed today that require fixing.

    1. Happiness

    When you open a Pokemon in the side bar, you see the Happiness level at the second last line (Happiness: <number of hearts> [?]). The problem is that that when the [?] is clicked, it leads to forums link which does not exisist. It should lead to the Part of the wiki that explains about Happiness.

    2. In game name "Magikarp"

    As far as I know, you cannot have two or more times the same attack on a Pokemon. Here 6 Magikarps (5 normal and 1 Dark) are found which have the move "Flail" three times each.

    3. Shiny Pikachu Pop Star cannot learn a move for Icicle crash

    Sorry if I'm not accurate on this one, but I traded that Pop star away... but anyways, I had about 2 million PokeMoney and I wanted to teach my Shiny Pop Star a move for Icicle crash but it always said I had insufficient money.

    I also had a fourth one, but it was my mistake. I'll make new topics if I find any other mistakes.

    • Upvote 3
  3. 1 hour ago, R3LOADED1 said:

    There are 6 pokemon @Haxor69. Why don't you read the rules, and don't post double status updates? 

    You need three things for trade mentioned on your thread  <_>

    And what double Status Update? Kappa

    This rule:

    -You can link your IGN in your thread, but you still have to have at least 6 pokemon posted.

  4. Be more specific with the Screen shot.

    I think the problem you're having is that you think if the Christmas (or other win Pokemon) Pokemon are not in middle (horizontally) you still think you win. The win Pokemon must horizontally in the middle .

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