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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by Speed-Storm

  1. Just now, Speed-Storm said:

    i don't feel the modivation to play you should add little prizes when you play for a while like 5 minutes = 10 dollars in game and you can buy EXP

    and i think for newbies they should start with 500K and when its the anniversary they should give everyone a special event pokemon and every form too but you can't sell it and you can find events in the wild with a 00.3 chance and instead of adding events right now you should focus in gigantamax and dynamax pokemon because honestly we have been waiting for a year and another problem someone hacked my jojojobany account then when i tried to log in it said i was banned and that's not fair how someone else is suffering because of someone else and i was exp training my friends pokemon i bet he felt sad and when i logged in to forums it gave me a warning how i gave myself reputation when i didn't then the hacker came back for more then i got banned from forums even my other alts too Pokemon Vortex please unban me :( and another problem is how there are scammers i wish if you're trading from your alt u put the password or trade even like legendary for legendary rare for rare UB for UB common for common scammers is the problem of this game and don't add pokemon you can't get and i would like you can get any pokemon from the wild because honestly i feel it should be that way 

    it took 15 mins so dont say stupid replys

  2. i don't feel the modivation to play you should add little prizes when you play for a while like 5 minutes = 10 dollars in game and you can buy EXP

    and i think for newbies they should start with 500K and when its the anniversary they should give everyone a special event pokemon and every form too but you can't sell it and you can find events in the wild with a 00.3 chance and instead of adding events right now you should focus in gigantamax and dynamax pokemon because honestly we have been waiting for a year and another problem someone hacked my jojojobany account then when i tried to log in it said i was banned and that's not fair how someone else is suffering because of someone else and i was exp training my friends pokemon i bet he felt sad and when i logged in to forums it gave me a warning how i gave myself reputation when i didn't then the hacker came back for more then i got banned from forums even my other alts too Pokemon Vortex please unban me :( and another problem is how there are scammers i wish if you're trading from your alt u put the password or trade even like legendary for legendary rare for rare UB for UB common for common scammers is the problem of this game and don't add pokemon you can't get and i would like you can get any pokemon from the wild because honestly i feel it should be that way 

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