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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by SaySykesRN

  1. So I’ve been thinking, with excluisve pokemon to this game like Darkrown, the 3 Weather Dratini and such, how about some more ideas?


    I recently struck up a conversation with Patrick (it was only small) but the idea for more Pokémon, either based on lore or completely new forms


    the few I thought of were as follows:


    A Valentine’s Day bulbasaur, but instead of the bulb it’s a rose (I know how original)


    the original dragon, as we know, reshiram and zekrom used to be fused, but after splitting, 1 to follow ideals, and the other for truth, the remnants left behind formed kyurem, so my thought was a special item, perhaps bought in the season shop, that either fuses reshiram and zekrom. Or all 3, into the original one, or maybe just the out of bounds God Stone could be bough that opens to give the player a promo code for the mon, just an idea


    the last one is slightly fan made but also lore, Gen 2 has a burned tower, we all know about suicune, raikou and entei, but what about the 4th? This could be a special day of the dead promotional legendary 4th beast, the one that was said to save the others but perished to the flames.



    anyway, I know the ideas suck but I’d love to hear feedback, I know we already have so many unreleased content still to come but the thought of you guys adding Pokémon from lore sounded super interesting


    (I drift Patrick mention genesect before team plasma got to it)


    give your thoughts :)))

  2. Yes I’ve seen the guide, Altho I just wanted to know, outside of Necrozma using Prismatic laser, do any other Pokémon/move combos do 500 damage? It’s not really a difference maker but I’d like to 1 shot the shinies too, I’ve heard dark dratinire with v-create does


    any suggestions work checking out?

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