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Posts posted by rishivojjala014-2

  1. On 31/05/2016 at 1:01 PM, DannyV said:

    I recently only have one shiny groudon sorry about that I had 4 but I'm down to only one so I won't br trading that one sorry I'll let u know when I get more 

    It's ok I don't need it so badly ;)


    Do u need a shadow zejrom ?? 

  2. I have shiny pokemon u need :

    abamasnow mega , gardevoir mega , swampert mega , spewa , corsola , croakung , slurpuff , I don't have a shiny clamperl but have both it's shiny evolved forms u need that  too ??

    The shiny gardevoir mega is worth  way more than a unique , u should know that :P

    need shadow cells or shadow non legends , if u r willing to trade them i will tell u which of them I want .

  3. 13 minutes ago, manavsharma9231 said:

    i can trade that If u give me these:

    Dark ScatterbugMetallic%20Mr.%20Mime.gifShiny%20Greninja.gifShiny%20Spewpa.gifShiny%20Larvesta.gif

    Shadow%20Diancie.gifis UFT

    Sorry , I Can't trade the scatterbugs and spewa , I like the greeninja  and larvesta , and If u want I can do metallic mr.mine + some other uniques for your shadow mawile , 

    Will U trade dark suicune for shadow diance ???

  4. Trading shadow vivillon fancy Shadow Vivillon (Fancy)looking for these SHADOW pokemon :-

    pikachu Christmas , Unglitched shadow primals , vivillon pokeball , anorith , cranidos , sheildon -or their evolved forms, zygarde (partial(

    Not accepting unique legends ,sorry

  5. Your 20 mins r over where's the list ?????

    just kidding lol , I'll be going to sleep now so just edit the trade thread with the list or quote me when u post the list :)

  6. 3 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

    Great! Give me 20 mins to compile a list and I'll get back to you. i'll even throw in a couple of free shadows for your time :)

    Lol ok thanks I'll wait till u make the list :)

  7. 5 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

    Hey! My shadow pokemon are split over 10-15 accounts, Instead of checking each one tediously how about you tell me 10 that you need and ill tell you my status on them? It will be way easier for you and me that way. I have a lot of base non legendary shadow pokemon


    I saw 1 of your accounts saw a shadow pidgey - want that , looking for mostly all shadow pokemon specially these for now - ralts ,  scatterbug , eevee , but tell me what shadows u have cause I may take them too :)

  8. 3 hours ago, manavsharma9231 said:

    Already have a Shiny castform water, and not evolving those Inkay and Cubchoo. ^I've marked the offers I'll accept with a "Yes"

    Sure Thing! -_- 

    Not accepting EXP, sorry :( 

    I'll Pass

    Ok offered , I cannot give u the shiny rapidash and unefezant as u r not evolving them , I've given other uniques instead , 


    My Dark Suicunefor your Shadow Ho-oh ORShadow Moltresput any of them uft :)

  9. 4 minutes ago, Haxor69 said:

    I'll see if I like the offers.... :P

    Sorry to trouble u , I don't have any offers , I really didn't know about rates for unique cosplays so I just wanted to ask :)

    • Upvote 1
  10. I guess u won't give that dark scatterbug so easily .. Lol

    ok my last offer for the dark scatterbug :- shiny slowbro mega , shiny eelectross , shiny gorebyss , shiny diggersby ??!

  11. 13 minutes ago, DannyV said:

    I just accept the offer and so you lost the eevee??? :/ 

    My luck is too bad I guess , I wanted 2 evolve it into a leafeon but clicked wonder trade , what about the :-


    38 minutes ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

    Want dark scatterbug- Dark ScatterbugShadow Rotomfor my Shiny Eelectross + Shiny Cobalion

    I have offered the cobalion for the rotom , if u like u can keep the dark scatterbug uft :D


  12. 3 minutes ago, Ifrit said:

    CrazyBot generates gifts in chronological order. Check the thread, don't accuse. It irks Mr. Fix-It and makes him repair it faster.

    CrazyBot is fixed! Go home ya suckers.
    Guess we can't use these tampered Pokéballs anymore, you can have them! Hope it doesn't break down again.


    No more requests beyond this point. Come back when CrazyBot gets broken again.
    All pending gifts will still be given.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't patient :)

  13. Want your this Pokemon = will give u this pokemon

    1. Shadow panpour = mystic butterfree + shiny basculin(red stripe)

    2. Shadow Yanmega = mystic beautifly + shiny skarmony

    3. If u evolve your shadow inkay into it's final evolution I will give shiny unefezant + shiny swinub+ shiny castform water

    4. If u evolve your shadow cubchoo to it's final form I will give shiny rapidash + dark butter free+ shiny stunfisk 

    Liked the offer??  


    Sorry to double post , my other offers 

    5.My Mystic Zygardefor your Shadow Latios??

    6. My Dark Latiosfor your Shadow Regirigas ??

  14. 23 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

    Your first 3 uniques are fine but I have the rest do u have other uniques to offer?

    How about those 3 + shadow phantump+ metallic deerling summer for the dark suicune only ???


    Trading shiny viviilon polar-Shiny Vivillon (Polar)for any SHADOW VIVILLON except (archepiaglo , meadow and ocean)

    Also tradingShiny Scatterbugfor Shadow Scatterbug

  15. On 29/05/2016 at 1:30 PM, DannyV said:

    These are the last two shadow eevees I'm trading just to let u know I need the rest lol :) 

    What if I tell u that I just clicked "wonder trade" instead of "evolve"on the shadow eevee that u just gave me ?? :(


    Want dark scatterbug- Dark ScatterbugShadow Rotomfor my Shiny Eelectross + Shiny Cobalion

    I have offered the cobalion for the rotom , if u like u can keep the dark scatterbug uft :D

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