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Posts posted by rishivojjala014-2

  1. On May 28, 2016 at 5:46 AM, Kiwinugzfan said:

    Trading the following for 5 uniques each  Dark%20Genesect.gifDark%20Suicune.gifDark%20Vivillon%20(Monsoon).gifMystic%20Vivillon%20(Monsoon).gifShiny%20Vivillon%20(Monsoon).gif

    Want dark Genesect and dark suicune for my dark butterfree , metallic gorebyss , mystic beautifly , mystic combee , mystic lunatone , shiny basculin red stripe , shiny buneary , shiny castform water , shiny dedene and shiny corsola ???

  2. 3 hours ago, Ifrit said:

    Don't have an idea about what you guys have, just offer:

    Well yeah sure. Put it up for trade and I'll offer.

    I can only offer 3-4 uniques, since this is a recent event and I gots a hella lot of those.

    Sorry, a Shadow Zekrom and Shadow Reshiram for a normal Partial? I'll pass. But thank you tho!

    Hm, 2-3 uniques, since it's an ongoing event and I gots a hella lot of those too.

    EDIT: Changed list format, included other events/unobs/rares and a wishlist. Offer away!

    The shadow reshiram is uft offer shadow zekrom as soon as possible ign : rishivojjala014-2

    would u like aZygarde (Partial)for your shadow primal ??

  3. 5 minutes ago, manavsharma9231 said:

    Sure! UFT. ^_^

    Offered , would u like a shiny scetile mega or a shiny tyrantiar mega of level 100 for your shadow eever , both the Pokemon r uft :)

  4. I've got some trades for u:-

    1. My Shadow Mewfor your Shadow Xerneas (Active)

    2. My charizard mega X  of 456k exp + bunnelby 45 k exp for your Shadow Yveltal

    3 . My aggron mega - 86 k exp , charizard mega with 99 k exp , ferraligator with 132 k exp , samurott with 70 k exp , another charizard mega with 93 k exp  - all these for your Shadow Darkrown

    4. MyKabutopsfor your Shadow Latias

    i have offered all already

  5. On 28/05/2016 at 6:22 PM, Haxor69 said:

    Alrighty, put 'em Uft

    The shiny manetric if uft , u will have 2 keep the shadow aipom and shadow nincada uft :)


    Hey bro please offer on the shiny manetric mega and put the others uft as soon as possible

  6. 14 hours ago, glaceon001 said:

    If they put the pokemon UFT, and someone who is searching for those pokemon UFT will find it, then PM or offer about the pokemon. WT is a fun idea that should stay the way it is.

    Yup I agree wonder trading is fun cause we may feel that we can get anything from legendaries to map Pokemon , but don't u think ppl will stop putting legends to wonder trade if they just get  pokemons like normal scatterbug :(

  7. On 28/05/2016 at 5:48 PM, Haxor69 said:

    No. Sorry, but I got legends!

    Nah it's ok , but I sure will trade again if I need any of your shadow poke :)


    (Sorry to double post )

    1. Your shadow aipom for my mystic combee + normal mr.mime

    2.your shadow gible + shadow onix for my shiny manetric mega

    3. Your shadow nincada for my shadow torkoal + shiny basculin (red stripe) 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Haxor69 said:

    Sorry but, no, the offer does not intrest me.

    Ok no prob

    Do u have any other shadow events ( except Jedi , kyurem ,, rotom, fancy) that u r willing to trade for all my shiny poke ??

  9. All of my 90 shiny Pokemon ( except these 4 :-shiny blastoise mega , shiny latios mega , shiny dratini and shiny slyveon) on ign: rishivojjala014-2 for your normal zygarde complete + shadow moltress ???? 

    Please check out the shiny poke , I mostly have evolved Pokemon like shiny argon mega , altaria mega , etc :)

  10. 6 minutes ago, Haxor69 said:

    Accepted, I would. Offer it



    Ok I offered shiny Taurus + level 89 spinda :)

    I guess I missed this:- your shadow squirtle for my metallic skorupi + normal frogadier + normal geodude ??? 

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