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Posts posted by iZeus

  1. 6 hours ago, Nutella Navigator said:

    sorry about that :P

    i'll be decicing about my team for now

    Sure Mate.

    3 hours ago, Uncle_Psychic said:

    bro remove me from champion status ;p give that to Glack or Sean

    oh wait,they arent here anymore,I'd suggest you to give it to Rob

    I'm gonna challenge this league ::3:


    btw serapheon,you can have only 1 mega in your team

    oh,and the challengers shouldnt be able to change their team whenever they feel like,they must use the same team throughout the gyms phase and only change it before challenging the E4,or else I can just spam normal pokes x6 against your team and a bunch of fairy types against the dragon type leader,etc

    Well then, I can do that. :3

    3 hours ago, SmartAss said:

    The Dragon Type Team for ou is now complete.

    Here it is:

    Shiny Tyrantrum Garchomp Goodra Noivern Shiny Kyurem (Black) Shiny Charizard (Mega X)


    2 hours ago, Serapheon23 said:


    I defeated Aravind_Miles 

    His first match,I think he will get better soon

    A Close Match for a Gym Leader. Anyways we are just learners so it's okay.
    As for Aravind, He played like a Potato. :-_-:

    2 hours ago, Serapheon23 said:

    I think Kyurem is not allowed as it is a legendary pokemon

    It is now allowed. :) 

    2 hours ago, SmartAss said:

    iZeus messaged me and said it was ok to choose legends (as long as they're allowed in ou).

    Btw your team isn't mono-type as altaria is only fairy type in its mega evolution.

    ^ Important! Read this.

    1 hour ago, Serapheon23 said:

    My New team-

    These are two combinations kindly accept any one,I have put them up in my priority order 


    2.Shiny AzumarillKlefkiClefableSylveonShiny GardevoirShiny Diancie (Mega)

    3.Shiny AzumarillKlefkiSylveonClefableShiny Gardevoir (Mega)Shiny Diancie


    1 hour ago, SmartAss said:

    You can also choose pokemon which are in a lower class than ou.

    You can pick pokemon from OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU, NU, BL4 and PU.

    So there are plenty of pokemon to choose from. :^_^:


    1 hour ago, Serapheon23 said:

    Sure thank you for the advice

    TogeticSylveonKlefkiShiny AzumarillShiny GardevoirShiny Diancie (Mega)  my team


    1 hour ago, Sneezeball said:

    Team : BreloomMedicham (Mega)LucarioConkeldurrHawluchaInfernape

    ign: Sneezeball

    Saw your PM ,so edit it.

    33 minutes ago, Drawnzer said:

    So let me get this clear. One legend is allowed if it is allowed in OU?

    You can use a 6 Legend Team, just has to be in the OU Format.

    9 minutes ago, Brocko said:

    Zeus by the way my team is decided. I will show you my team in Showdown and you will print it on.

    You can post it here for everyone to see.

  2. 2 hours ago, Serapheon23 said:

    Can i be this131.gif

    I got few combinations :

    Since I am the fairy type gym leader I will only like to use fairy type pokemons 

    1. Fairy Gym OU-Shiny AzumarillAltaria (Mega)KlefkiSylveonClefableShiny Gardevoir (Mega) 

    2.Fairy Gym LC-TogepiCottoneeIgglybuffSpritzeeSnubbullRalts

    I want you guys to choose any one of the above option.



    BTW what is the eligibility to become a elite 4 


    Yes you can be 131.gif.

    Updated your team.

    To Become a Member of the Elite 4 you must be consistent in your matches. For Example, you can never be an E4 Member, if you keep on loosing all of your matches.


    1 hour ago, Aravind Gopi said:


    I started just now

    Time zone-IST

    Thank you.

    As i am new i don't want to become a gym leader 

    There is no grass  and ice  gym please add make 10 gyms 

    No. There won't be 10 Gyms. You can start as a Beginner and you can take the gym's place when one of us promotes to E4. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Nutella Navigator said:

    I would like to apply for gym leader.

    Showdown Name: Nutella Navigator

    Type: Water

    Specialized in: Strategy, Random

    Time Zone: GMT (+8:00)

    Team: Undecided yet. But will update soon.

    I will add you then. By the Way, Random will never be an option for the Vortex League if you already didn't knew.

  4. 5 hours ago, SmartAss said:

    Could you change my sprite to  087 .

    Okay. :)

    5 hours ago, AkoNeePlays said:

    :PCan i be


    Sure thingy.

    3 hours ago, Drawnzer said:

    Showdown nick: Bolmeteus

    Timezone: IST

    Specialize in: Random, Stalling.

    I'd like to take up Dark type gym.

    I will update once I wake up irl.

  5. 4 hours ago, Uncle_Psychic said:

    bro make it a fixed format like OU or something .-.,randoms shouldnt be an option


    and the vortex league was originally just E4 u sure u wanna change that?

    and change the legendaries rule,make it format wise-having a registeel or articuno isnt gonna hurt,having a mega kangaskhan is


    Okay. I will edit that. 

    Removed the Ubers and Randoms was never an option. We also can't suddenly decide on a E4 but if someone from the Prev. E4 applies, they are in. For Example You.

    2 hours ago, Brocko said:

    Ok Zeus I would like to apply to gym leader position. 



    2 hours ago, Serapheon23 said:

    Zeus my IGN-Serapheon23 in showdown

    I want to apply as a Gym leader Fairy type

    I do good random battles and ubers 


    Random Battles aren't an option.

    2 hours ago, Brocko said:

    Geraldine your the .most easiest person I have vs in my life


    Spam. :-_-:

    1 hour ago, Brocko said:

    Name: Arenich

    Time Zone:?

    Specialist in: Random Battles

    I would like to be a fire type gym leader.


    50 minutes ago, Sneezeball said:

    Name: Sneezeball

    Time Zone: CET

    Tier: OU

    Type: Normal


    About chatroom: The room 'vortexleague' does not exist.

    #VortexLeague do exist, just the fact is you can't see it in the Channel List because it has no Members in it.

    40 minutes ago, SmartAss said:

    Showdown name: SmartsAss

    Time zone: GMT + 1

    I want to apply for gym leader.

    Type: Dragon

    Okay sure thingy.

  6. DO YOU CODE? OR CAN YOU MAKE WEBSITE DESIGNS? So How about you share them here?

    This is a Thread where you can make your own designs for Website and post. You can post yours too or Rate others people's design.


    This is a basic resigned version of Pokemon Vortex's Home Page.



    • Upvote 1
  7. How to play Pokémon Vortex Battle Arena v3?


    To play you will be needing a Registered Account to play. This Guide will cover from Signing Up to Getting to #1.

    How to Sign Up?

    • Decide on a Nice Username. This username will be used for logging in and cannot be changed, so choose wisely. Also, if you enter in spaces before or after your username, they will be trimmed off, so take note of that. You can also use this Username to login in this Forums.
    • Decide on a Strong Password .
    • A strong password has:
      at least 15 characters
      uppercase letters
      lowercase letters
      symbols, such as ` ! " ? $ ? % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] : ; @ ' ~ # | \ < , > . ? /
    • A strong password is not:
      your login or username
      your name, your friend’s name, your family member’s name, or a common name
      a dictionary word
      like your previous passwords
      your date of birth
      a keyboard pattern, such as qwerty, asdfghjkl, or 12345678
    • You can http://strongpasswordgenerator.com/ to create Secure Passwords.
    • Remember to note it down somewhere so you don't forget.
    • Fill out the Form using your real Email Address. It's purpose is to act as Second Option to recover your Password.
    • Fill out your Skype and Forum Username.
    • Fill out the Captcha correctly then.

    Read the Terms of Service .


    Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

    Pokémon Vortex, it's advertisers and affiliates are deeply committed to protecting the privacy of Internet users. Below is information outlining our continued support for the responsible management of consumer information.

    Consumer Information

    During the process of visiting our websites, Pokémon Vortex does not collect any personally identifiable information about you such as name, address, or phone number. However, Pokémon Vortex does obtain some types of non-personally identifiable information such as the Internet Service Provider you use to connect to the Internet, your browser type, or the type of computer operating system you use (Macintosh or Windows, for example). The information collected by Pokémon Vortex is used for the purpose of targeting advertising.


    In some cases, you may voluntarily provide personal information in response to a specific advert (this ad may ask you to fill out a survey or provide your zip code). If this does occur, Pokémon Vortex may collect this information on behalf of an advertiser. This information is used by an advertiser to respond to your request. In addition, Pokémon Vortex may combine this information with other users' information and review it in an aggregate form to understand the type of individuals who view a specific type of ad or visit a particular kind of website.

    Data Collection

    Pokémon Vortex, as well as most sites on the Internet, use "cookies" to enhance your experience on the web. Pokémon Vortex cannot use these cookies to personally identify you in any way. What are cookies and why do we use them? A cookie is a piece of data that is provided to you the first time you visit a website. This unique data may later be recovered from your computer. This cookie can help Pokémon Vortex ensure that we don't serve you the same ad multiple times, and help our advertisers understand what you like and don't like about their offerings so that they can cater better to your needs the next time you are interested in their products or services. We believe that cookies enhance your Internet experience.

    Limit of Liability

    User agrees that the use of Pokémon Vortex's services is entirely at User's own risk. Pokémon Vortex's services are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, constructive, or statutory, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchant-ability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.


    Pokémon Vortex makes no guarantee of availability of service and reserves the right to change, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of Pokémon Vortex's services. In no event shall Pokémon Vortex be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Pokémon Vortex's services or any content thereon. This disclaimer applies, without limitation, to any damages or injury, whether for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise, caused by any failure of performance; error; omission; interruption; deletion; defect; delay in operation or transmission; computer virus; file corruption; communication-line failure; network or system outage; or theft, destruction, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.


    User agrees to indemnify and hold Pokémon Vortex harmless from any loss, liability, claims, damages and expenses, including attorneys fees, arising from or related to the content, use, or deletion of User's Files or use of any other feature or service. This expressly includes:
    - User's responsibility for any and all liability arising from the violation or infringement of proprietary rights or copyrights.
    - Any defamatory or unlawful material contained within User's Files.


    To ensure the privacy of kids, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from children of any age. Only a user name that they have chosen and information related to the game (such as Pokemon they have, badges earned, etc) is available to other members, unless they wish to share any internet based networking display names with other members. This feature can be turned off or left blank to protect identities.


    Any personal information provided to Pokémon Vortex will not be sold or given out.


    Suggestions may be sent to Pokémon Vortex, but most will not be reviewed or implemented. Pokémon Vortex will not give credit or be liable (monetarily or otherwise) to anyone for any suggestions submitted or implemented.

    • Agree to it and Continue Sign Up

    What Starter and Sprite Do I Pick?


    Choose any Sprite you like. It doesn't affect Game play.



    All Starters have the same rarity and are the same. They are mainly available in 3 Different Types : Grass, Fire and Water.


    List of Starter Pokémon

    Here is the list of Starter Pokémon available in Pokémon Vortex. Additional Starter Pokémon is a choice given to the player which features another Regional Pokémon.

    Kanto Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon

    Johto Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon

    Hoenn Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon

    Sinnoh Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon

    Unova Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon

    Kalos Region Starter Pokémon

    Grass Type Starter Pokémon Fire Type Starter Pokémon Water Type Starter Pokémon Additional Starter Pokémon




    • Upvote 1
  8. y8FclMV.png

    Well since Pokemon Showdown has became Popular here, I think it was worthy bringing this Thread back.

    First of all this is going to be a place where you can battle other Members in preferably OU Matches.

    Chat Channel : #VortexLeague

    Owners : Zeus, Rob and Patrick
    Admin : Anindit and u44151
    Moderators  : Sportsandmusic69 , Sneezeball, OV0XO and Trollface

    If you wish to become a Moderator in the Chatroom , stay active and follow rules.

    Notable Rules


    ·         Be nice to people. Respect people. Don't be rude or mean to people. However if you use Profanity during Battles in Showdown, keep it soft.


    ·         Moderators have discretion to punish any behavior they deem inappropriate, whether or not it's on this list. If you disagree with a moderator ruling, appeal to a leader (a user with & next to their name) or Discipline Appeals. (We do not mute without reason. If disagree, then pm the person who muted you.)


    ·         Don't call unnecessary attention to yourself. Don't be obnoxious. ALL CAPS and formatting are acceptable to emphasize things, but should be used sparingly, not all the time. (Don't be that annoying guy.)


    ·         We reserve the right to tell you to stop discussing moderator decisions if you become unreasonable or belligerent. (Off topic conversations are allowed, just keep it appropriate.)



    • You can challenge a Gym Leader whenever you want and decide on a Time where you two can battle.
    • Legendary Pokemon are allowed.

      <~Rob> they can go fuck themselves
      <~Rob> as long as the pokemon is OU or below it should be allowed

    • As for Elite4, They will change every month depending on the Top Four Members.
    • The Champion only changes when he/she is defeated by someone else.
    • You can only challenge a Elite 4 if you have all the Gyms cleared.
    • If you lost to one E4 Member, you have to start Elite4 all over again.
    • Leaderboards will be reset every month, except the Champion retains there position.
    • Gym Leader and Newbies can't include Legendary Pokemon in teams. However E4 and Champions can.
    • If you are not a Gym Leader or Elite 4 or Champion, you can change your team whenever you feel like.

    Prizes :

    • As of now there is no prizes in game. However on Occasions there might be prizes given out to you.
    • For now,  Online gifts such as Steam/Amazon/iTunes are allowed.
  9. 1 hour ago, Starkban said:

    I just hope that the new Gen it's gonna be better then others. 

    Btw, the new Man-made pokémon it's called now Magearna. 

    I am aware of the name change. It still ain't confirmed so let's wait for the confirmation from Pokémon Co.

  10. sun_logo_en.pngmoon_logo_en.png
    February 26th 2016



    - Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon was announced at the Pokémon Direct.




    May 10th 2016



    - Rowlet, Litten and Popplio were revealed. These are the Pokémon you will choose from as you begin your Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon adventure! 




    June 2nd 2016




    Alola Region Map was revealed.Rotom (Pokedex)was revealed. Solgaleo and Lunala were revealed.


    June 11th 2016



    June 14th 2016



    June 30th 2016 - July 1st 2016



    July 7th 2016



    July 13th 2016



    July 19th 2016



    August 1st 2016



    August 11th 2016



  11. LZLtzWK.png

    Rules that you may or MAY NOT want to follow :

    • Stay away if you get easily offended.
    • Spiderman Memes only and No text replies. You have PMs for chats.
    • Reply with only Spiderman Memes.
    • Remember this forums have kids.

    I will start with :


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