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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by iZeus

  1. WIKI


    Hi everyone. It is nice to know and see that so many of guys are trying to help with the Wiki. I , Patrick and everyone else working on that appreciate that. You guys are great. So I am posting this just to make you guys aware of few things you should know before do some editing in the Wiki :

    Thanks for all the help. If you have any question or confusion in making something, go ahead and reply to this topic and I or some other Wiki Editor will try to help you ASAP.

    ~ The Wiki Community :raichu:

    • Upvote 2
  2. On 2/3/2016 at 10:43 PM, bilal.anwar said:

    zeus its giving error image is larger than maximum allowed dimensions :(

    Patrick happened. He made the Dimensions 600 px x 200px.

    13 hours ago, Serapheon23 said:

    zeus could you send me img url of my previous cover pic

    Okay, it's  06g77wL.png

  3. On 2/5/2016 at 1:22 PM, Uncle_Psychic said:

    Dragonball series,pokemon ofc,naruto,yu gi oh, and one piece

    Ei je sob Hungama, CN arr Toonami Public.

    On a serious note, Hungama TV never finished airing Yu Gi Oh and One Piece.

  4. s3ZkJt0.png

    I heard you guys wanted a Guide? Well here it is.

    People ask a lot of questions like why your Snoruntcan't evolve into Froslass even with the Dawn Stone. So here's a guide to help you out.

    The part I will cover are :

    • Item Based Evolution
    • Stone Evolution
    • Happiness Evolution
    • Gender Based Evolution



    Item Based Evolution
    In the actual game, some Pokemon have to hold an item, then be traded in order to evolve. In this case, you can purchase all these items in Pokemart, no trading required!

    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Clamperl Gorebyss Deepseascale.png
    Clamperl Huntail Deepseatooth.png
    Seadra Kingdra Dragon%20Scale.png
    Porygon Porygon2 Up%20Grade.png
    Porygon2 Porygon-Z Dubious%20Disc.png
    Electabuzz Electivire Electirizer.png
    Magmar Magmortar Magmarizer.png
    Slowpoke Slowking Kings%20Rock.png
    Poliwhirl Politoed Kings%20Rock.png
    Scyther Scizor Metal%20Coat.png
    Onix Steelix Metal%20Coat.png
    Feebas Milotic Prism%20Scale.png
    Rhydon Rhyperior Protector.png
    Sneasel Weavile Razor%20Claw.png
    Gligar Gliscor Razor%20Fang.png
    Dusclops Dusknoir Reaper%20Cloth.png
    Spritzee Aromatisse Sachet.png
    Swirlix Slurpuff Whipped%20Dream.png


    Special stones evolve pokemon. When exposed to certain Pokemon, they evolve.

    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Vulpix Ninetales Fire%20Stone.png
    Growlithe Arcanine Fire%20Stone.png
    Eevee Flareon Fire%20Stone.png
    Pansear Simisear Fire%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Poliwhirl Poliwrath Water%20Stone.png
    Shellder Cloyster Water%20Stone.png
    Staryu Starmie Water%20Stone.png
    Eevee Vaporeon Water%20Stone.png
    Lombre Ludicolo Water%20Stone.png
    Panpour Simipour Water%20Stone.png 
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Pikachu Raichu Thunder%20Stone.png
    Eevee Jolteon Thunder%20Stone.png
    Eelektrik Eelektross Thunder%20Stone.png 
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Gloom Vileplume Leaf%20Stone.png
    Weepinbell Victreebel Leaf%20Stone.png
    Exeggcute Exeggutor Leaf%20Stone.png
    Nuzleaf Shiftry Leaf%20Stone.png
    Pansage Simisage Leaf%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Nidorina Nidoqueen Moon%20Stone.png
    Nidorino Nidoking Moon%20Stone.png
    Clefairy Clefable Moon%20Stone.png
    Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Moon%20Stone.png
    Skitty Delcatty Moon%20Stone.png
    Munna Musharna Moon%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Gloom Bellossom Sun%20Stone.png
    Sunkern Sunflora Sun%20Stone.png
    Cottonee Whimsicott Sun%20Stone.png
    Petilil Lilligant Sun%20Stone.png
    Helioptile Heliolisk Sun%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Togetic Togekiss Shiny%20Stone.png
    Roselia Roserade Shiny%20Stone.png
    Minccino Cinccino Shiny%20Stone.png
    Floette (White) Florges (White) Shiny%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Murkrow Honchkrow Dusk%20Stone.png
    Misdreavus Mismagius Dusk%20Stone.png
    Lampent Chandelure Dusk%20Stone.png
    Doublade Aegislash (Blade) Dusk%20Stone.png
    Doublade Aegislash (Shield) Dusk%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Kirlia (Male.png) Gallade Dawn%20Stone.png
    Snorunt(Female.png) Froslass Dawn%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Happiny Chansey Oval%20Stone.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Eevee Glaceon Ice%20Rock.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Item Required
    Eevee Leafeon Moss%20Rock.png


    Click here to view the guide on Happiness and how it works.

    A brief explanation is, the more battles the happier a Pokemon will get (You have to battle with them. If they gained experience at the end of the battle, 1-2 happiness points will be given).


    Base Form Evolved Form Required Happiness
    Golbat Crobat heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Chansey Blissey heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Eevee Espeon heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Eevee Umbreon heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Pichu Pikachu heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Cleffa Clefairy heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Igglybuff Jigglypuff heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Azurill Marill heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Budew Roselia heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Buneary Lopunny heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Chingling Chimecho heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Munchlax Snorlax heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Riolu Lucario heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Woobat Swoobat heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Togepi Togetic heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Swadloon Leavanny heart.pngheart.pngheart.png
    Base Form Evolved Form Required Happiness
    Eevee Sylveon heart.pngheart.pngheart.pngmaxheart.png



    Certain Pokemon have to be a certain gender to evolve. So when you ask why your Snorunt won't evolve into Froslass, it's because it needs to be female.


    Base Form Evolved Form Criteria
    Burmy (Plant).gif Mothim.gif Male.png + Level 20
    Burmy (Sand).gif Mothim.gif Male.png + Level 20
    Burmy (Steel).gif Mothim.gif Male.png + Level 20
    Burmy (Plant).gif Wormadam (Plant).gif Female.png + Level 20
    Burmy (Sand).gif Wormadam (Sand).gif Female.png + Level 20
    Burmy (Steel).gif Wormadam (Steel).gif Female.png + Level 20
    Combee.gif Vespiquen.gif Female.png + Level 21
    Kirlia.gif Gardevoir.gif Female.png/Male.png + Level 30
    Kirlia.gif Gallade.gif Male.png +Dawn%20Stone.png
    Nidoran (F).gif Nidorina.gif Female.png + Level 16
    Nidoran (M).gif Nidorino.gif Male.png + Level 16
    Snorunt.gif Glalie.gif Female.png/Male.png + Level 42
    Snorunt.gif Froslass.gif Female.png +Dawn%20Stone.png


    :raichu:If you have any more questions or additions to the thread, contact me or pm a mod/admin.:raichu:

    • Upvote 2
  5. On 2/2/2016 at 3:23 PM, bilal.anwar said:

    .Your work is awesome.I want a profile picture and a normal shiny lugia signature


    5 hours ago, Rajesh Yadav said:

    I want a Shadow Arceus (Electric)in my signature with this 


    I request you to make it for me with some fantastic graphics...




    I will update the rest.

    • Upvote 1
  6. How to take a screenshot: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/


    How to Upload a Screenshot
    1. Type http://imgur.com/ into your address bar.
    2. Select this button:  ClXk51P.png
    3. Select the first option on the top left.

    4. Search your files on your computer for the image and double click the file to select it, or click on open. (You may use ctrl + right clicking to select multiple files)


    5. Click on this button:  rqui9D0.png

    6. Right click the image that was uploaded and select Copy Image URL (May be worded slightly different on browsers other than Google Chrome).


    7. In your forum post, click :  YbLRZVg.png


    • Upvote 1
  7. EGhm3uB.png

    Happiness/Friendship is an important feature you must understand in order to be able to evolve certain Pokémon in Vortex v3. Not all Pokémon need it to evolve. It is a measurement of how much a Pokémon is attached to its trainer and enjoys being in their care.

    Here is a detailed breakdown of how Happiness works:

    Happiness on Vortex, unlike the real games is not based on walking/giving your Pokémon a soothe bell or certain vitamins/herbs
    Your Pokémon's Friendship will depend on the number of battles you fight, in other words
    your Pokémon's friendship goes up per battle, and more the friendship - The more happiness will raise.
    For ease of access, happiness in vortex has been customized and is based on the number of hearts a Pokémon has, which shows how happy it is.
    To know the number of hearts your Pokémon has, simply click on it.Stages of Happiness :










    Q - How will I know how soon my Pokémon will get a heart/After How many battles will my Pokémon get a  heart?
    A - After each battle, your Pokémon randomly gets 1 or 2 happiness points which you cannot check. A Pokémon's maximum happiness points is 255, when it has 4 hearts.
    Each heart needs 73 points. In other words, 1st heart will need 73 points, second will need 146 points, 3rd heart will need 220 points and 4th will need 255 points (max).
    All pokemon which evolve by friendship except Sylveon need 220 points (3 hearts) for evolution.
    Eevee will need 255 Happiness points in order to evolve into Sylveon.
    Maximum number of battles which could be needed for a heart=73/1=73 battles.
    mimimum number of battles which could be needed for a heart=73/2=36 battles.
    Since the happiness points per battle is randomized(1 or 2), you would need somewhere between 36 and 73 battles in order to gain 1 heart for your Pokémon.
    Credits to u44151 who made this guide

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