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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by Stinkygoober0930

  1. LOL I WON THE DAY XD I didn’t even notice it

  2. Also what does the little red hand mean cuz I’m seeing it on lots of peoples profiles including mine 

    1. Puddles


      Yeah I’m also wondering what it means 

      Ive never noticed it until recently :o

    2. Stinkygoober0930
  3. He’s just so cute and sleepi

  4. Is grinding to afford a Snorlaxite even worth it

  5. I spend like 20% of my time in pokEBAY and the other 80% in routes and cities grinding for legendaries hehe

  6. I hope these are seen by Patrick and at least given a second thought because I would love to see at least one of these things come to reality

  7. 1: Easter skins for Pichu, Eevee, Pikachu, Richu, and mimiku.

    2:second smaller map that is accessible by completing a Pokémon hunt.

    3:additional beach biome called peachy beach with a cave called peach cavern.

    that connects to scorched sanctum.

    4:updated time cycle that includes real time from 12:00am to 12:00pm in a span of one hour.

    5:releasing Cosmog to be obtained after collecting all legendary pokemon at least once.

    6:sky map only accessible with a legendary bird (articuno,Zapdos,moltres).

    7:updated Pokédex that shows all evolutions of a Pokémon that is searched up.

    8:meltan candies that can be bought for 10,000 each, gotten with mystery boxes, won in a lottery, or by defeating legendary steel types.

  8. In case Patrick reads my page for some reason

    i wanna make a list of every idea I have

  9. Idk if Patrick even takes ideas but I think my ideas might be worth listening to tbh

  10. I really wanna talk to Patrick about my ideas for Pokémon vortex cuz I have sum very creative ideas

  11. Btw can Patrick make Gigantamax Pokémon and maybe release discord stuff like meltan candies and Cosmog 

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