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Posts posted by froakielatte

  1. I've been binge shopping at secondhand/thrift stores and I have this thing where I always smell clothes I potentially want to buy. If they smell good, I'll buy 'em. But if they smell like they've just been disinfected with numerous chemicals... nah.

    So I'm just wondering, are there any clothes that you've bought at a thrift store (or any store, really) and have you smelled that article of clothing before you bought it?

    I'll start: So Tuesday, I went to my local Goodwill and I found this Winnie the Pooh sweater and I was like, "Woah. That was my favorite show growing up as a kid #90sAF" So I bought it. Then I went to smell it and it smelled like my step-grandma. I still bought it tho.

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