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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by gaga654

  1. Do the sidequests. Then you will get lots of money and free master balls! It's actually easy to accumulate a lot of master balls that way, just takes a while...


    Keep in mind that Patrick has said master balls may not be so easy to get once v4 comes out though...

  2. seems to be an error with the move punishment... it costs 150000 so it is supposed to be power 200, but instead it only does damage as though it is power 120... seems like folks could waste a lot of their hard earned money buying this move, only to find that it was falsely priced.


    edit: In case people are confused, I know the attacks were nerfed and are supposed to be weaker now. But the problem is that the price didn't change, so people who didn't see the change in the forums might end up wasting their cash thinking they are spending a lot on a powerful move.

  3. I've noticed that wild fairy type pokemon's strengths and weaknesses don't seem to work right...

    I found a wild dark xerneas and used a fighting type move against it which shouldn't have killed it since it's supposed to resist fighting... but instead it did full damage and I lost my xerneas... :>=C:nWN9eFj.png


    As you can see, the move should have been not very effective but it wasn't.

    I tried this with some other pokemon and it happens to all fairies. They are supposed to resist against fighting, but they're not. The same thing happens with bug too - fairy is supposed to resist against bug but it doesn't. I think this only happens in wild battles. Here's to hoping it gets fixed... and to hoping I can get another dark xerneas... :T_T:

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