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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by EliteCrafters3009

  1. 13 hours ago, Red_Conspiracy said:

    Just correcting, I am pretty sure zygarde cells are not very rare. Also I am pretty sure the zygarde cell/cores are found in grass maps...

    Well yes, Zygarde cells arent that rare, sometimes it does take a bit of time though

    Cores on the other hand are quite rare

  2. 1 hour ago, QTLFpro said:

    I don't know why but i can't find any zygarde's on the cave maps. Not even zygarde cell. Is this a bug or something? I already bought the DNA Splicers



    Theyre just very rare

  3. 11 hours ago, tcuz said:

    I need to complete the sidequest 100%?


    No, as of yet the sidequests are not 100% done.. They will be done by v4. You just have to complete it to as far as it is possible right now and you will have a chance to get a Blue Orb/Red Orb. And if i remember correctly the percentage is 20% so its quite rare

  4. 8 hours ago, StarPonyta20 said:

    Darkrown looks more majestic, in my opinion. It looks to be in a standing position more. See?


    Also, until "only available on Vortex" registered in my head, I had thought that Darkrown was an actual, official Pokemon... Good thing I never actually met anyone that was as big a fan as I.



    At first when i was an idiot and didnt know much about pokemon, i thought Darkrai evolves into Darkrown lol



    And i prefer Darkrown

    • Upvote 1
  5. I'm not sure what to call this really. I dunno I might be insane but previously when you press the Zebstrika at the left side (WHILE LOGGED IN) it takes you to the dashboard where as now it literally logs you off and takes you to the main page, this little shortcut was very useful before but now.. eh.. Hopefully you guys can fix it

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