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Pokémon Vortex


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About ZonexPV

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  1. No! I am AGAINST v3 being reset! What about all the donation Pokemon people have paid for? I doubt Patrick would give every single person refunds and I don't want a refund. I started playing a couple months after the release of V2 AND DO NOT want my account reset again. People will always find a way to cheat the game. We shouldn't have botters ruin a great game for us, and all botters get banned eventually so I don't really care. People shouldn't bot, agreed. But if you do bot then you're only hurting yourself. I'd just like to wait peacefully for V4 without any resets, the game is going great for me. Finally got all the Pokemon I want and have achieved other things like side-quests and meeting great people. I would absolutely HATE for there to be a reset, and I think most of the community will agree with me on this one.Those who want a reset are either banned or are just bored of the game or unhappy with their account. Please do not reset @Patrick. People shouldn't have to lose their donation Pokemon they've PAID for and other pokemon they have worked REALLY HARD for. That's all for now though.. sorry if this was a long speech. It just emphasises how im so against a reset, it shouldn't happen and around 70% of people will agree with me. Yours sincerely, a loyal and concerned Vortex player.
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