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Posts posted by Lunchbox

  1. A NEW event will most likely not be released, due to the fact that the Wonder Trade / Vivillon event is still running. However, depending on the mood of our dear admins, they might do something small for us. We'll just have to wait and see.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Uncle_Psychic said:

    well they probably wont remove it soon

    besides they did nerf its active cooldown to something like 90 seconds right?max to max they might nerf the ap given by it in the future coz the gold generation is imp. for supports

    They nerfed the active because when the mid laner and the support both had one, people were using the active as soon as it came up just to provide map vision of the enemy team. I'd HOPE they touch the AP on it. I want it out of mid lane.

  3. When everyone thinks of the Great Server Crisis of 2016, the only things that come to mind are "When will the game be back up" and "Oh man I lost so much".

    However, the staff has taken actions to alleviate losses and will be providing us with a lot of benefits when the game comes back up. So, rather than focus on the downsides, let's look at the opportunities the rollback has provided.

    • What Pokemon are you happy to be getting back? (From trading it away, giving it away, etc.)
    • Do you plan on taking more / less advantage of the Christmas Pikachu event this time around?
    • How will you use the double happiness from the rerun of the Christmas Pikachu event?
    • How will you use the double experience we get for a week?
    • What Pokemon do you hope to get from the freebie you get upon logging in?

    If you don't know what the rollback is, or want more information on it, visit http://www.pokemon-vortex.com/rollback.php.

    Don't forget to express your gratitude to the staff for all of their hard work to fix this and make it right!

    • Upvote 2
  4. 43 minutes ago, Uncle_Psychic said:

    why so?It's a pretty good item

    That's the issue. 

    Sure, diversity and all that is a good thing. When an item finds another niche that isn't where it was intended to go, it's not necessarily bad. Take the Cinderhulk jungle item enchantment having a stay in top lane last season. The difference here is that it only worked for specific champions, because you had to take Smite as a summoner spell. In other words, it meant a lot of Shyvana, Hecarim, and Fizz top lane. Other examples would include Runeglaive Ezreal (which died fast, THANKFULLY), and some of the older jungle items back in the day being built on Ezreal and Vladimir in lane.

    However, Frost Queen's claim is good on just about EVERY AP caster mid, gives free gold generation, and the active is far too strong right now. The item in itself is too strong overall, and its consistent presence in every game is frustrating.

    Admittedly, this is just MY opinion, but I will be glad to see it gone.

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