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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Amol346

  1. @kalipoProbably not. Many people want specific unique pokemon which would be still rare to get (Shiny Dracozolt for example). So why would it decrease? It will just be like finding a unique legendary. @9876ash Exactly. If an event needs Sinnoh SQ's and you just finish Unova, then you would need to reset and waste all your time getting to Sinnoh
  2. Completing the SQ's is a pain especially someone who has done them before, given its 2k battles. I think it would help to have the option to complete a region SQ exclusively and get rewards rather than going sequentially all over again. Dunno if someone has brought it up, so just posting here @Patrick E.G : I can directly go to Sinnoh for example 10 times, or to Galar 5 times.
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