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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by IamLegend707

  1. Apologies if this has been suggested before. I think that it would be an excellent idea to have the ability favourite specific Pokémon, simply put a "tick/heart" box on Pokémon to add to a new category called favourites. We don't have any way of filtering Pokémon that we might be looking for, especially when the ability to have thousands in general makes it difficult to sort/filter through. Addition though: more category options within the Pokémon search feature, Legendary's/Ultra beast/Starters/Mega's... these should already be in the game but im sure there are more specific cases others could suggest.
  2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AJOL9Yh2mAK9nY0ugBAGPwmEArFSRslUmc9X373dDZY/edit?usp=sharing  


    GOOGLE DOC: "in the making" for keeping track of every aspect of pokemon vortex. very helpful information even if you don't use it for what I do. (UPDATED 23/12/2020)


    Feedback extremely appreciated. 

  3. It should be now, New to google docs but I believe i have made it accessible to everyone!
  4. Hi everyone I have created an Excel Document for Pokémon Vortex, I don't know how to explain what its propose is but I created it to help me track where all the Pokémon are located/acquired/my current progress for living Dex/type and immunity categories/separate lists for alternate forms/legendary's and Starters/Wild Pokémon (water/Land) all with sections for each variant... The map/Immunity trainers. All data is an amalgamation of a dozen sources online, but to suite Pokémon vortex. Id like to Share what I have so far, At least to get some feedback.... like I said it is NOT COMPLETE and may have areas where I have placed data and I expect there to be a large amount of errors. I have done my best to show the data in as easy a way as possible, however you may find on first glace that it is allot to take in or understand... Which is fair. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AJOL9Yh2mAK9nY0ugBAGPwmEArFSRslUmc9X373dDZY/edit?usp=sharing Updated 23/12/2020 -Massive amount of spelling corrections -Updated and improved Categorization System (new tabs for better navigation of pokemon variants) -Continued to add and refine area for easier understand and readability. -Overall just continued to work on everything PS. This has taken me a HUGE amount of time, thus please be constructive. I simply want others to benefit from my time if this document is of some benefit. PSS. I don't know what questions may be asked about this but Im happy to answer any. IGN: IamLegend707, if you have any comments or feedback don't hesitate.
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