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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by clockwork

  1. We haven't done a deal for this before, so I'm not entirely sure how much they're worth quite yet. I'd be willing to offer 3.5m per viv (fancy) and 2m for the (pokeball) variants. In total, that's about 25.05m exp.
  2. Since this account is shared, whoever accepts the task trains the Pokémon on their own account. Very rarely does the owner of Clockwork use that account to train.
  3. We are interested in the following: How much EXP would you like for all of them?
  4. I can count all of the above as shiny uniques--that would add up to 650k EXP. Let us know if this is OK. @Alex777 We live in the United States (as it says in the original post). We were asleep. You cannot keep messaging us at 5 AM accusing us of not having started your Pokémon, ESPECIALLY when we told you we started it.
  5. We are interested in the following: We'd be willing to pay 300k exp for each.
  6. is up for trade on Clockwork. Thanks!
  7. It's been received. It will take a bit of time since we have so many jobs going on. Maximum amount of time is probably 2 days.
  8. You may choose a Pokémon from your collection.
  9. @AWSOMESH 400k on your for: @glaceon001 600k total on a Pokémon of your choice for: @xaoz 5m on for: @#POKEMON 2.75m on your for: @Alex777 Your 750k will be completed for: @Prateekkm2001 That's very bizarre, because not only is the missing from our collection, we also have all the Pokémon that we agreed on in the previous trade in our collection. Anyway, if you'd like a new trade, we're interested in:
  10. It is being trained at the moment. Again, my PM said 6 hours--it's only been 3. I'll go through your account and edit this post. How about these for the 400k exp:
  11. I could do 300k for everything, 100k per unique. That's 2x+ my rates.
  12. I accidentally trained it 5m instead of 4m LOL. Misread your PM. Our original offer was this: Can you perhaps add since it was my mistake? If not, I'll have to redo the bulbasaur again from scratch lmao.
  13. Yeah, that'll round to 100k EXP. Do you have anything else? If you get more uniques I need, I can give you a better deal.
  14. Considering I've done 2 normal completes for 15m each, I'd be willing to do 30 flat. This will easily be a top 100 Pokemon and will take a while to complete.
  15. Yeah...that is definitely not worth it for us. Sorry! Make sure your move never misses and always ohko's. Use ether net to minimize ping load. Don't have many other tips since you're now a competitor to us hehe
  16. clockwork


    2.75m will be completed tomorrow morning, if not tonight.
  17. I'm going to go ahead and let you know that's not going to happen, on behalf of bunny LOL
  18. What are your exp rates for shiny unique and unique Vivillons? Here is what I want from your page:
  19. yo im starting your (4m) now but I can't change any of its moves (all Pokemon beginning with letters 'L', 'M', and 'T' can't change moves) and scratch kinda sucks. If you have any other preference, let me know please.
  20. clockwork


    I'm confused why you need us to train your Pokemon when you have a shop for it yourself? Anyway, offer the to one of the Pokemon on Clockwork that are UFT and I can begin training it to 2.75m.
  21. Flare Blitz is the correct one--this seems to be a typo.
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