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Everything posted by Aeetes

  1. Also if you scroll down to items, and scroll down again you can see where to get the stones your looking for here's an example of a few:
  2. Yup, if you're on the right wiki. And there's only one! You can get there right from forums. But here's a link 😀 https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Home
  3. I was on discord and realized I was accidentally live streaming after another user entered and told me I was live streaming. Fudou was watching my stream before I knew and wrote down my codes and redeemed them along with Fred111 (I guess he gave him my exp boosts). I never was giving them away. I never said it was a giveaway. Fudou admitted to taking them and justifies his actions by saying that I said it's a giveaway. I spent $50 on 70mbs and I'm a new user. And I support this server a lot. I wasn't giving them out. It's a shame that these users think their actions are ok. I'm upset that someone would take advantage of my accident. It isn't right. I'm new to the game and discord. It's obvious that I was not aware I was even streaming. Here is proof I didn't know: For the record, this has nothing to do with clans. If this was a clan member of mine too I'd still be equally as upset if not more. I wanted to chime in some more, Just because I am part of a certain clan does not give you the right to take something I spend my hard earned money on. I literally just join TRR. As far as I know the real Monsters are in AV. Am I going to sit here and let The actions of 2 players from that clan make me give an opinion on everyone? No, just those two players. everyone else in the clan is OK, i have no issues with them. They probably don't understand how hard it is to make money in the world right now and to be working in a pandemic nonetheless. It's hard just so you know if your reading this. I don't care about pixels I care about the cash Spent to get those pixels. And to sit there and lie about what you did. also say that because you're in thatYou deserve the uttermost disrespect as well is astounding.
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