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Status Updates posted by EeveeInnit

  1. so I made a post that was for Exp Training(Low Prices) And For Some Reason I Could Not Find It On My Profile. So here it is:

    (I changed it a little bit because I don't remember exactly what i wrote on the post)

    5-10 Levels: 1 Pokemon

    15-20 Levels: 2 Pokemon

    25-30 Levels: 3 Pokemon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. red_wolf_


      Alright then what for 50 levels

    3. EeveeInnit


      25 level Pokemon

      5 of them

    4. red_wolf_
  2. if there is a watermelon, is there a firemelon? or a grassmelon? or electremeleon? or toximelon? or a rokamelon? or a goundemelon? or a soaramelon? or a fairymelon? or a psymelon? or a darkmelon? or a punchemelon? or a bugmelon? or a ghostmelon? or a elemelon? 



  3. For the winners of theCharizardand theShiny Toxtricity (Low Key)

    I was waiting for you to come pick up your prizes but then I noticed they were not on trade...sorry about that. Can you please come get your giveaway prizes?(Same with the winners of the 4 Winner Giveaway)

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