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1gladion last won the day on April 25 2022

1gladion had the most liked content!


89 Excellent

About 1gladion

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  1. Heyo everyone!

    I just wanted to let you all know im leaving the game today. thx for everyone for the wonderful fights and chats i hv gone through. it has been real fun to do. 

    Thx for the ones who hates me and to the ones who i am friends with. Special (sarcastic) thx to Fred111 and idk1335 for ruining our legend stars server and also hving fights with me for no reason. thx to bycanroc, mb101 and sm other guys for daily pointless quarrels. Thx to nvs for being such a fan of legend stars cuz i really appreciate it. even tho it was meant to be a troll, we took it the other way around. Thx to dades for reacting t rubbish in everything i post. 



    Here is the actual thx


    Special thx to AXL-SENSEI and POKECHAN for helping me reach this position. Thx all the clan members for their support and guidance. Thx for the devs for making this community platform cuz i had tons of fun using it and will never forget it. Thx to everyone for hving a great or awful time with me. Thx for everyone who participated in my 

    auction contest which sm of u might not be aware of... 

    K so i only expect a goodbye from everyone seeing this post. ( its my last day so dont ruin it with ur garbage) .


    And Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. shonen12



    2. Lethal_Entity


      Well goodbye pretty sure players would remember you in some way.....positive or negative but ofc good luck and become someone who dosent have to post this in the future :

      "Thx for the ones who hates me and to the ones who i am friends with. Special (sarcastic) thx to Fred111 and idk1335 for ruining our legend stars server and also hving fights with me for no reason. thx to bycanroc, mb101 and sm other guys for daily pointless quarrels. Thx to nvs for being such a fan of legend stars cuz i really appreciate it. even tho it was meant to be a troll, we took it the other way around. Thx to dades for reacting t rubbish in everything i post. "

      But also someone who can post this :

      Special thx to AXL-SENSEI and POKECHAN for helping me reach this position. Thx all the clan members for their support and guidance. Thx for the devs for making this community platform cuz i had tons of fun using it and will never forget it. Thx to everyone for hving a great or awful time with me. Thx for everyone who participated in my 

      auction contest which sm of u might not be aware of... "

      Ngl it seems like the people you mentioned in the first para mattered way more to you than the ones in the 2nd para I mean look at the difference in content, each player got a special mention with their activity in the first part whereas the players in the 2nd part only got a "Special Thanks". 


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