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Pokémon Vortex


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Posts posted by MilesB123

  1. This could be a way to obtain gmax pokemon. So there could be special raid dens spread randomly across the map, just like in sword/shield, and inside it there would be a gmax pokemon raid, the pokemon in it depending on the difficulty (1-5 star, again like sword/shield), with odds of it being a shiny version or legendary gmax raid. Although for the legendary raid bit to work, we would need some custom gmax forms for legendaries, most likely ones for the special pokemon vortex fan-made legendaries, again with a chance to be shiny. And they would have 3 max moves and the exclusive gmax move for the moveset. The level would also depend on the difficulty. I'd reccomend level 30 for 1, with 6000 hp, level 40 for 2, having 7000 hp, level 45/50 for 3, with 8000 hp, 60 for 4, with 9000 hp, and finally 75 for 5 star, the amount of hp being 10000. For legendary gmax raids, they would be level 85, with  20000 hp. And you would do all this with other players, but they would be replaced with CPU characters until live battles come to vortex. Also, feel free to share suggestions for custom vortex-only gmax forms!

  2. Hey guys Ive got a spare Tyranitarite that I want to use on a regular larvitar which I dont have I have a dark tyranitar but I want a normal one so anyone got a regular larvitar they are willing to give to me for a raikou?

  3. In Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, there is a chance you will encounter a huge or ting pokemon. We could add that to pokemon vortex, having a 35% chance to find either size. Tiny pokemon would be smaller, therefore faster and more agile, and they could have a 25% chance to dodge any attack, even if it has 100% accuracy, which means it would have better evasiveness, and they would have better speed. (if taking turns attacking gets introduced, more about that later.) Meanwhile, huge pokemon would be more tanky, with 10% more HP and defense.


    Also it would be cool having stats for each pokemon, and not having the exact same stats for every pokemon. There could be different stats and stat changes when leveling up, and taking turns in battle would go with this idea too, with the pokemon with the highest speed stat attacking first. That is all I have to explain, hope the idea get added to V6!

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  4. Hi, I don't often post much content since the past few months, and you could call me a semi-inactive player. But, here are some ideas I think would make a really good game. (better than right now)


    -Multiple region maps with region-native pokemon and gym leaders.

    This would be a big feature so it wouldn't  need to happen right away, but it would be really cool!


    -Better battles. There are extremely limited battles in this game, and here are some things it needs: 

    1. Better background when in battles.

    2. Stat up/downgrades.


    That is all I can think of for now

    • Upvote 4
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  5. If any of you play pokemon planet, you should know  that there is not any pokemon level cap. A pokemon could be level 104, 123, or even maybe level 200!


    We should add that feature to pokemon vortex as well, and we could maybe make the levels of pokemon with different encounter rates higher, but OMG not ultra beasts. That would make them way more OP than they are right now. Their levels could be upped to be able to have a level of 75-85 or 75-90 but that is all. I really REALLY want this to be added to pokemon vortex

    • T-rubbish 3
  6. I am so so excited because it is my birthday tomorrow! So, please on the 31st (on sunday), please can you try and get me as many ToucannonandShiny Toucannon as you can because they are my favourite pokemon a part from Charmanderand Rowletso could you please give me some of those too?

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