~Are you looking for a Check List? Maybe one with all the Catchable Pokémon. Look no further.
~First off, I do have to run threw a few things before hand. I will be going through some steps so, please follow them carefully.
~A bit about the Document:
-At the top is a Key for areas that had more to type so, I Paraphrased it.
-All areas are included from the start area in New Haven to the last area in Route 25 where Pokémon Spawn and can be caught. Note: Not every area will have Pokémon that you can catch.
-Each Pokémon has all the variants to be able to check off such as Normal, Mystic, Shiny, Metallic, Dark, and Shadow.
-Mac Users - If you need to look for a Pokémon to check off throughout the whole document; Press Command + Shift + H. This will bring up a window that you can search the whole document for that Pokémon in other areas. Just type in the name and hit enter. It will show you 1 of 1 or how ever many are in the Document. Just hit next if there is more than one to move down the Document to find the others of the same name.
-Window Users - Almost the same Concept for the Mac Users, but your search will be CTRL + H. This will open the same thing as for Mac users. After you hit the proper commands to open the Search; Just follow the same steps for the Mac Users above.
~The Document is through Google Docs. When Opening the link; Follow these instructions to be able to save the file as your own so it does not save on the original so that others may be able to save a blank and un-checked copy for themselves. Thank you.
1) Open The Link - Message Me For Link
2) File - Make A Copy - Name the New Copy (Not the one you opened from the link) Name it whatever you want.
3) Close the original copy.
~Hope This Helps~