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Posts posted by iZeus

  1. Gt1VQGn.png

    :raichu:Hello everyone.:raichu:


    This is Pokémon Vortex Popularity Poll where you can vote for your certain categories. This will take place every month except December and January where this will be made to Pokémon Vortex Awards.




    :MasterBall:Don’t vote for yourself. That would not be counted.
    :MasterBall:Don’t bribe others to vote for you. Do some honest voting.

    Have Fun Voting.


    Don't be sad if you didn't make it this time. Next month it might be you.

  2. This question is not clear.

    But if you are unable to find Legendary Pokemon, that's because you are out of luck. Finding Legendary Pokemon is maps is mere luck.

    8 minutes ago, xxxxxxx said:

    But before that i saw a lot

    Saw a lot of?

  3. On 3/12/2016 at 4:46 PM, Assassin_Creed said:

    My best was catching a Shiny Celebiin my first step. After that I returned to the the map and after 3 steps I encountered a Tornadusbut I was unable to catch it because I had no :MasterBall:left.

    :UltraBall: also works fine too. I have caught numerous Legendary Pokemon with a Single Ultra Ball.

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