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Pokémon Vortex


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frogprince last won the day on March 16

frogprince had the most liked content!


3 Neutral

About frogprince

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  1. Rules of play state: You may not access, or attempt to gain access to any account that does not belong to you. Attempting to scam, phish or manipulate other users through in-game messages, Discord, forums, or by any other means is not acceptable. Chat started off innocently enough, but quickly devolved. In the screenshots, they are clearly asking for access to my account. I have ignored said player and blocked them. Just wanted to bring it to someone's attention that they are asking for access to my account and prevent anything from happening to other players. Don't know if I'd ban this player, but maybe issue a warning? https://imgur.com/a/UNx4hQy
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