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Pokémon Vortex

Wonder trade (legendary and rares only)

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So here I came up with one more crazy idea

wonder trade it not working so I came up with this idea

so my idea is 

here if u want to trade a Pokémon u must not give it’s name or is it shiny or anything else

Expect u are allowed to give its Pokédex number even in that u are only allowed to mention the one number Pokédex number u must mention only one number ie

For example if u want to trade Drakloakits Pokédex number is 886 so u can mention it as _8_ or 8_ _ or

_ _6 any one. which makes 100 possibilities so others might not know which u are keeping to trade

a another person want to trade he will also give same info

by which it becomes more suspense 

Note :don’t mention ur original I’d because others might check ur pokes with that number . 

And this is only legendary wonder trade ie u can only .ie u can only trade legendary and rare only so that both side people will not get loss

Edited by Babby246
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