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Pokémon Vortex

Heart/Happiness Training

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I train others Pokemon hearts here are the rules and prices . If you are interested in my service pls contact me in game or ask down in the replies.




  • I train the pokemon first then I get paid. If u dont go through with your deal and pay me  i will keep the pokemon
  •  Depending on what im doing it may take me more or less time to complete a pokemons training so please be patient but I can guarantee that it will take me maximum 4 days to complete a job  and no longer
  • If you plan on scamming me and not paying I will as i said above keep the pokemon and if u want to report me I literally have proof I never did nothing to you because you just read the rules and you know what and what not to do


 1 heart- lvl 50 pkmn

 2 hearts-lvl70 pkmn

  3 hearts - 2 lvl 100 pkmn

   4 hearts- 4 lvl 100 pkmn


   I personally think my rates are good but if you dont like them and want another  happiness trainer than go check out other heart/happiness trainer such as Regitwo or kingxion98

There it is just reply or contact me in game to have me do a service for you!

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